首页> 外文期刊>Revista cubana de medicina tropical >Contribution of the National Influenza Laboratory to confront the 2009 pandemic influenza in Cuba

Contribution of the National Influenza Laboratory to confront the 2009 pandemic influenza in Cuba




INTRODUCTION: acute respiratory infections are considered the most important causes of morbidity and mortality around the world. These infections became more significant when associated to epidemics and pandemic events caused by influenza virus. The need for global surveillance of influenza viruses was recognized as early as 1947 and led to the establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Influenza Surveillance Network (GISN). The Cuban National Influenza Centre (NIC) belongs to this network since 1975. On April 2009, the recognition of a new influenza A (H1N1) of swine origin circulating in humans was identified as the causative agent of the first pandemic in the 21st century declared by the WHO. OBJECTIVE: to carry out surveillance of the new pandemic virus nationwide. METHODS: the Cuban National Influenza Center developed a diagnostic diagram to confirm infection with the pandemic virus in suspected cases. Different PCR assays for typing and subtyping of influenza A virus were used. RESULTS: from April to December 2009, 6 900 clinical respiratory samples were processed by using this diagram, 980 cases were confirmed and notified to the national health authorities and to the Pan American Health Organization. Human rhinoviruses were other important etiologic agents of the frequently detected acute respiratory infections. CONCLUSION: with the national strategy for surveillance at lab, it was possible to effectively monitor the circulation of the influenza viruses and of other respiratory viruses in our country and to alert the national health authorities, with a view to facing up to the pandemic influenza (2009)
机译:简介:急性呼吸道感染被认为是世界范围内发病率和死亡率的最重要原因。当与流感病毒引起的流行病和大流行事件相关时,这些感染变得更加重要。早在1947年就认识到需要对流感病毒进行全球监视,并导致了世界卫生组织(WHO)全球流感监视网络(GISN)的建立。古巴国家流感中心(NIC)自1975年以来就属于这个网络。2009年4月,对人类传播的新的猪源性甲型流感(H1N1)的认可被确认为宣布21世纪首例大流行的病因由世界卫生组织。目的:在全国范围内对新型大流行病毒进行监测。方法:古巴国家流感中心制定了诊断图,以确认可疑病例中的大流行性病毒感染。使用了不同的PCR分析方法来对A型流感病毒进行分型和分型。结果:从2009年4月至12月,使用该图处理了6900例临床呼吸道样本,确诊980例并通知了国家卫生当局和泛美卫生组织。人鼻病毒是经常检测到的急性呼吸道感染的其他重要病因。结论:通过国家实验室监控策略,可以有效地监控我国的流感病毒和其他呼吸道病毒的传播并向国家卫生当局发出警报,以期应对大流行性流感( 2009)


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