首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura >Nível de dano, plantas invasoras hospedeiras, inimigos naturais e controle do psilídeo da goiabeira (Triozoida sp.) no submédio S?o Francisco

Nível de dano, plantas invasoras hospedeiras, inimigos naturais e controle do psilídeo da goiabeira (Triozoida sp.) no submédio S?o Francisco

机译:在圣弗朗西斯科州次级媒介中,破坏程度,寄主入侵植物,天敌和对番石榴木虱(Triozoida sp。)的控制



This study was conducted to increment the integrated management of Triozoida sp. (Hemiptera, Psylliidae) in guava plants at the S?o Francisco River Valley. The damage level, weed hosts, selectivity and effect of the thiamethoxam 10GR and 250WG in the control of psylliidae were evaluated. The experiment was carried out in an irrigated area, at Petrolina, Pernambuco, in a randomized block design with four replications. Treatments consisted of: 1) thiamethoxam 10GR applied on soil; 2) thiamethoxam 250WG sprayed weekly; 3) thiamethoxam 10GR applied on soil + thiamethoxam 250WG sprayed weekly; 4; 5; 6) thiamethoxam 250WG sprayed when 10, 20 and 30% of infested branches were reached, respectively; 7; 8; 9) thiamethoxam 10GR applied on soil + thiamethoxam 250WG sprayed when 10, 20 and 30% of infested branches were reached, respectively; and 10) control (no insecticide). The percentage of infested branches in the control treatment differed significantly from the treatments 2 (2.8%), 3 (4.3%), 4 (19.7%), 7 (13.4%), 8 (14.5%) and 9 (15.0%). When thiamethoxam was used, the population reduction of natural enemies ranged from 12.5 to 39.6%, corresponding, in the selective scale, to grades (1 = non offensive (< 25%), 2 = not very toxic (25-50%). Number and weight of fruits were similar in all the treatments. Fifty one weed species and no host of Triozoida sp. were found.
机译:进行这项研究是为了增加Triozoida sp。的综合管理。 (Semiliera,Psylliidae)在圣弗朗西斯科河谷的番石榴植物中。评价了噻虫嗪10GR和250WG对木虱科的危害程度,杂草寄主,选择性和效果。该实验是在伯南布哥州Petrolina的一个灌溉区中进行的,采用了随机区组设计,重复了四次。处理包括:1)在土壤上施用噻虫嗪10GR; 2)每周喷洒噻虫嗪250WG; 3)每周在土壤上施用噻虫嗪10GR +噻虫嗪250WG; 4; 5; 6)当感染的分支分别达到10%,20%和30%时,喷洒噻虫嗪250WG; 7; 8; 9)分别在侵染的树枝上分别达到10%,20%和30%时,在土壤上施用噻虫嗪10GR +噻虫嗪250WG; 10)对照(无杀虫剂)。对照处理中感染分支的百分比与处理2(2.8%),3(4.3%),4(19.7%),7(13.4%),8(14.5%)和9(15.0%)有显着差异。使用噻虫嗪时,天敌的种群减少范围为12.5至39.6%,在选择性范围内,相应等级为等级(1 =不令人讨厌(<25%),2 =毒性不大(25-50%)。在所有处理中,果实的数量和重量均相似,发现了51种杂草,没有发现Triozoida sp.。


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