首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura >Morphometry, floral resources and efficiency of natural and artificial pollination in fruit quality in cultivars of sour passion fruit

Morphometry, floral resources and efficiency of natural and artificial pollination in fruit quality in cultivars of sour passion fruit




This study aimed to provide information on the biology and floral resources, stigmatic receptivity and viability of pollen grains during rainy season and dry season, and to evaluate the efficiency of natural and artificial pollination on quality of fruits of eight passion fruit cultivars sourced in Tangará da Serra - MT. Five commercial cultivars and three populations of the genetic improvement program of the sour passion fruit from the Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso were evaluated. The climatic conditions of the rainy season favored the greater development of the floral pieces. The sugar concentration in the nectar presented higher averages in the rainy season, in all cultivars, except for FB 200. The climatic conditions of the dry season favored the replacement of the nectar volume. All cultivars evaluated presented pollen viability and stigmatic receptivity higher than 79% and 90%, respectively. The characteristics of fruit mass and percentage of pulp were better in artificial pollination, and the fruits obtained from natural and artificial pollination in all cultivars evaluated presented physical and chemical characteristics that are within the quality standards desired in the commercialization.
机译:这项研究旨在提供有关雨季和旱季花粉粒的生物学和花卉资源,花粉粒接受性和生存力的信息,并评估天然授粉和人工授粉对来自坦加拉达的八种百香果品种果实品质的效率。塞拉-MT。评价了五种商业品种和三个人口的埃斯特拉德·德·马托·格罗索大学的酸百香果的遗传改良程序。雨季的气候条件有利于花卉的更大发展。除FB 200外,所有品种的花蜜中花蜜中糖的浓度均呈现较高的平均值。干旱季节的气候条件有利于更换花蜜量。评估的所有品种的花粉生存力和盖标接受度分别高于79%和90%。在人工授粉中,果实质量和果肉百分比的特征更好,并且在所有评估品种中,从自然和人工授粉获得的果实表现出的物理和化学特性均在商业化所需的质量标准范围内。



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