首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura >Varia??o de caracteres em híbridos de abacaxizeiro obtidos de diferentes cruzamentos

Varia??o de caracteres em híbridos de abacaxizeiro obtidos de diferentes cruzamentos




The inheritance of traits used for the selection of pineapple hybrids is very important for the success of the genetic breeding program of this fruit crop. The objective of the present work was to analyze the variations observed in main traits used for the selection of pineapple hybrids obtained by different crosses. The analysis of variance for 446 evaluated and 213 selected genotypes was carried out for the following traits: plant height from soil to the base of the fruit, peduncle length, weight of the fruit without the crown, weight of the crown, total soluble solids content and titrable acidity. in general, it was observed that fruit weight decreased for the selected hybrids in most crosses and the total soluble solids content increased in all crosses. Positive and significant simple linear correlation was observed between fruit weight and plant height. Also a positive significant simple linear correlation was observed between fruit weight and crown weight, however with lower magnitude, plant height and crown weight, plant height and total soluble solids content, and negative, between total soluble solids content and peduncle length. The difference between the crosses in the selection of pineapple genotypes for the traits studied was verified.



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