首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Entomologia >Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) parasitoids of Lepidoptera caterpillars feeding on Croton floribundus Spreng (Euphorbiaceae)

Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) parasitoids of Lepidoptera caterpillars feeding on Croton floribundus Spreng (Euphorbiaceae)




Parasitoids of the family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) were obtained during an inventory of Lepidoptera larvae caught feeding in the wild on Croton floribundus (Euphorbiaceae). The Lepidoptera larvae were collected from host plants along trails inside three preserved forest areas in the Brazilian state of S?o Paulo. Fifteen different species of Ichneumonidae belonging to five subfamilies (Banchinae, Campopleginae, Cremastinae, Mesochorinae and Metopiinae) were obtained. Seven species of Ichneumonidae were reared from leaf rollers: Meniscomorpha sp. (Banchinae) and Leurus caeruliventris (Cresson) (Metopiinae) from Dichomeris sp. (Gelechiidae); Mesochorus sp.1 (Mesochorinae) [as a parasitoid of Hypomicrogaster sp. (Braconidae, Microgastrinae)], Campoplex sp. (Campopleginae) and Leurus sp. from Olethreutinae sp. (Tortricidae); Sphelodon annulicornis Morley (Banchinae) and Eutanygaster brevipennis Cameron (Cremastinae) were also reared from two unidentified species of Gelechiidae. The other eight species were reared from the larvae of exposed feeders: Diradops sp. (Banchinae) from Miselia albipuncta Hampson (Noctuidae), Casinaria sp. (Campopleginae) from Hymenomima conia Prout (Geometridae), Charops sp. (Campopleginae) from Bagisara paulensis Schaus (Noctuidae) and Oxydia vesulia (Cramer) (Geometridae), two species of Hyposoter F?rster (Campopleginae) from Semaeopus sp. (Geometridae) and H. conia, two species of Microcharops Roman (Campopleginae) from B. paulensis and an unidentified species of Limacodidae and Mesochorus sp. 2 [reared from what was probably Aleiodes sp. (Braconidae, Rogadinae)] from an unidentified species of Noctuidae.
机译:捕食鳞翅目(Euphorbiaceae)在野外捕食的鳞翅目幼虫存货期间获得了翅翅目科(膜翅目)的寄生虫。鳞翅目幼虫是从寄主植物中沿着巴西圣保罗州三个保存完好的森林区域内的小径收集的。获得了属于五个亚科(Banchinae,Campolegleginae,Cremastinae,Mesochorinae和Metopiinae)的15种不同的支孢菌科。从卷叶树上饲养了七种虎科:Meniscomorpha sp.。 Dichomeris sp。的(Banchinae)和Leurus caeruliventris(Cresson)(Metopiinae)。 (G科); Mesochorus sp.1(Mesochorinae)[作为Hypomicrogaster sp。的寄生虫。 (Braconidae,Microgastrinae)],Campoplex sp。 (Campopleginae)和Leurus sp。来自Olethreutinae sp。 (T科); Sphelodon annulicornis Morley(Banchinae)和Eutanygaster brevipennis Cameron(Cremastinae)也从两个不知名的Gelechiidae物种中饲养。其他八种从裸露的食性幼虫中繁殖:Diradops sp.。 (Banchinae)来自Casinaria sp。的Miselia albipuncta Hampson(Noctuidae)。 (Campopleginae)来自Charops sp。的Hymenomima conia Prout(Geometridae)。来自Bagasara paulensis Schaus(Noctuidae)和Oxydia vesulia(Cramer)(Geometridae)的(Campopleginae),来自Semaeopus sp。的Hyposoter F?rster(Campopleginae)的两种。 (Geometridae)和H. conia,两种来自Paul B. paulensis的罗马微型(Campopleginae)物种,以及一种不知名的Limacodidae和Mesochorus sp。物种。 2 [可能来自Aleiodes sp。 (Braconidae,Rogadinae)]来自夜蛾科的一个未知物种。



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