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Consulta preanalgésica del parto: un proyecto hecho realidad




Objective: The objective of this study is to report the strategy followed in the Hospital Universitario Puerto Real (Cádiz, Spain) to create a pre-analgesic consultation for labor in order to provide an appropriate analgesia during delivery, complying with Law 41/2002 which regulates the autonomy rights and obligations of patients regarding information and clinical documentation. We evaluate the approach taken in the rest of the hospitals in Andalusia. Material and method: We analyzed the challenges and difficulties that arose at the time and the strategy for the creation of this consultation. The questions which were raised were: At what stage of pregnancy pregnant women should attend the consultation? What staffing and training would be required to create this consultation? Where would it be located? What materials would be needed to properly inform our pregnant women? We conducted a phone survey in order to determine how our response was given to labor analgesia and how Law 41/2002 was being applying in the rest of hospitals in Andalusia. Results: The pre-analgesic labor consultation of the Hospital Universitario Puerto Real was created in February 2007. Training courses were developed for delivery room staffing. Consultations are currently carried out during the 20th week of gestation, coincident with the echography done by the Gynecology Service of the Hospital. The staffs assigned are a nurse assistant and the anesthesiologist on duty in the delivery room. The consultation room is located in the in the outpatient department of the hospital and has a capacity for 12 people. Pregnant women receive a lecture and an informative video. After this, we complete the individualized pre-analgesic assessment of each patient and the informed consent process. Since its creation, they have been cited 12,990 pregnant women. The annual average of pregnant women informed and preoperatively evaluated is of 1,384; which represents the 63.93 % of all pregnant women. Twenty-seven of the 33 hospitals of the Andalusia Health System in which deliveries are practiced, telephone survey respondents. The results of this survey show that the pre-anesthetic assessment for pregnant women is only performed in 8 centers (29.63 %), in 5 of them routinely (8.52 %) and only to high-risk pregnant women in 3 (11.1 %). The informed consents are obtained before the delivery only in 9 of the 27 hospitals surveyed (33 %). In the 18 centers remaining they were obtained at delivery (66.67 %). Conclusions: Since the foundation of the pre-analgesic consultation for delivery in our hospital, we have improved the pre-analgesic assessment of pregnant women and we have achieved complying with Law 41/2012.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是报告在Universitario Puerto Real医院(西班牙加的斯)采用的策略,以进行分娩前的镇痛前咨询,以便在分娩时提供适当的镇痛,并遵守第41/2002号法律。规范患者在信息和临床文档方面的自治权和义务。我们评估了安达卢西亚其他医院所采用的方法。材料和方法:我们分析了当时所遇到的挑战和困难以及创建此咨询的策略。提出的问题是:孕妇应在怀孕的哪个阶段参加咨询?进行此咨询需要什么人员配备和培训?它会在哪里?需要什么材料来适当告知我们的孕妇?我们进行了电话调查,以确定我们对分娩镇痛的反应如何以及安达卢西亚其他医院如何应用Law 41/2002。结果:波多黎各雷亚尔大学医院的镇痛前劳顾会于2007年2月成立。为产房人员配备了培训课程。目前在妊娠的第20周进行咨询,这与医院妇产科的回声检查相吻合。分派的工作人员是护士助理和分娩室值班的麻醉师。咨询室位于医院的门诊部,可容纳12人。孕妇将接受讲座和内容丰富的视频。此后,我们完成了每位患者的个体化止痛评估和知情同意程序。自创建以来,他们已被引述12990名孕妇。知情和术前评估的孕妇年平均为1,384;占所有孕妇的63.93%。电话调查的受访者中,安达卢西亚卫生系统的33所分娩医院中有27所。这项调查的结果表明,仅在8个中心(29.63%),在其中5个中心(8.52%)中对孕妇进行麻醉前评估,而在3个中心(11.1%)中仅对高危孕妇进行了麻醉前评估。在接受调查的27家医院中,只有9家(33%)在分娩前获得了知情同意。在剩下的18个中心中,它们在交付时就获得了(66.67%)。结论:自从在我院进行分娩前的镇痛前咨询以来,我们改善了孕妇的镇痛前评估,并达到了第41/2012号法律的要求。



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