首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem >La producción científica de la Clasificación Internacional para la Práctica de Enfermería: un estudio bibliométrico

La producción científica de la Clasificación Internacional para la Práctica de Enfermería: un estudio bibliométrico




Objective: To describe the scientific production of the International Classification for Nursing Practice throughout dissertations and theses published by nurses in Brazil from 1996 to 2016. Method: A bibliometric, descriptive, quantitative documentary study, carried out from October/2015 to July/2016 on the sites of the Center of Studies and Research in Nursing (CEPEn), at the thesis and dissertation banks of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel and of the Plataforma Sucupira (Sucupira Platform). Results: There were 108 productions, 30 theses and 78 dissertations. In 2014, there was the largest number of publications (19). The Graduate Program in Nursing of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba had the highest number of productions (23). Regarding the theme, the use in clinical practice was highlighted (69), followed by the elaboration of terminology subsets (17). Conclusion: The Brazilian scientific production setting on ICNP ? is expressive, evidencing this system as a tool that allows the provision of systematic care.
机译:目的:描述1996年至2016年巴西护士发表的所有论文和论文中《国际护理实践分类》的科学成果。方法:对2015年10月/ 2016年7月进行的文献计量,描述性,定量文献研究。护理研究与研究中心(CEPEn)的所在地,在高等教育人员和Cola Plataforma Sucupira(Sucupira平台)的协调论文和学位论文库中。结果:共有108篇论文,30篇论文和78篇论文。 2014年,出版物数量最多(19)。达帕林巴联邦大学护理研究生课程的制作数量最多(23)。关于主题,突出了在临床实践中的使用(69),随后阐述了术语子集(17)。结论:巴西对ICNP的科学生产设置?表现力强,证明该系统是一种可以提供系统护理的工具。



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