首页> 外文期刊>Revista colombiana de sociología >Política pública y seguridad ciudadana: continuidades y discontinuidades en los discursos y las prácticas de reconocimiento de la habitabilidad de calle (Bogotá, 1995-2015)

Política pública y seguridad ciudadana: continuidades y discontinuidades en los discursos y las prácticas de reconocimiento de la habitabilidad de calle (Bogotá, 1995-2015)




W ithin the socially established cultural, moral, and legal boundaries, there are considerable differences in the ways of understanding homelessness globally, the factors that cause or trigger and foster permanence on the streets, and their associated characteristics. This phenomenon represents a special type of conflict that needs to be put on the agendas of local, regional, and national governments. In the case of Bogotá, official discourses and practices, particularly those of public security (legal and illegal) have created an image of homeless persons by stereotyping them as producers and reproducers of the fears of the city’s “normal” inhabitants. Following García-Canclini (2004) and Fraser (1997), the article affirms the need to recognize and address homelessness as a historical and sociological phenomenon that requires further understanding from the perspective of inequality and difference . Consequently, it sets out to review the continuities and discontinuities in the discourses and practices of recognition of homelessness between 1995 and 2015, from the viewpoint of Verón's (2004) theory of discourse and Van Dijk’s (2003) Critical Discourse Analysis (cda). cda makes it possible to track macro-textual and micro-textual elements. The former include global and local concepts, positions of the actors involved, and causal explanations, among others, while the latter take into account ways of constituting the group through nouns, adjectives, and verbs found in the normative documents that provide the legal basis for political decisions. The period of analysis was chosen because the administrations involved were situated in a context of constitutional change that saw the birth of the social State based on the rule of law and the formalization of an institutional apparatus aimed at guaranteeing citizens’ rights. At city level, this translated into the creation of specialized and technical government agencies, as well as the organization of public and private actors.
机译:在社会上确立的文化,道德和法律界限内,全球在理解无家可归者的方式,导致或触发和促进街头永久性的因素及其相关特征方面存在很大差异。这种现象代表一种特殊类型的冲突,需要将其放在地方,区域和国家政府的议程上。就波哥大而言,官方话语和习俗,特别是公共安全(合法和非法),通过刻板印象将无家可归者视为对城市“正常”居民的恐惧的生产者和复制者,从而树立了形象。继García-Canclini(2004)和Fraser(1997)之后,该文章肯定了需要承认和解决无家可归者这一历史和社会学现象,这需要从不平等和差异的角度进一步理解。因此,本文从Verón(2004)的话语理论和Van Dijk(2003)的关键话语分析(cda)的角度出发,回顾了1995年至2015年间在承认无家可归者的话语和实践中的连续性和不连续性。 cda使跟踪宏文本和微文本元素成为可能。前者包括全局和局部概念,所涉参与者的位置以及因果解释等,而后者则考虑了通过规范性文件中提供的法律依据的名词,形容词和动词组成团体的方式。政治决定。之所以选择分析时期,是因为所涉及的主管部门处在宪政变革的背景下,见证了法治社会国家的诞生以及旨在保障公民权利的体制机构的正式化。在城市一级,这转化为建立专门的和技术性的政府机构,以及组织公共和私人行为者。



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