首页> 外文期刊>Revista brasileira de botanica >Quantitative variables applied to phenological studies of Sargassum vulgare C. Agardh (Phaeophyceae - Fucales) from Ilha Grande Bay, State of Rio de Janeiro

Quantitative variables applied to phenological studies of Sargassum vulgare C. Agardh (Phaeophyceae - Fucales) from Ilha Grande Bay, State of Rio de Janeiro

机译:定量变量应用于来自里约热内卢州Ilha Grande湾的Sargassum vulgare C. Agardh(古生植物-Fucales)的物候研究



The suitability of quantitative variables for phenological studies was evaluated in a population of the brown seaweed Sargassum vulgare from "Praia das Gordas", Angra dos Reis, Ilha Grande Bay, state of Rio de Janeiro. From June 1998 to May 1999, twenty adult individuals were randomly sampled at bimonthly intervals. Fifteen variables related to the vegetative and reproductive development of perennial and non-perennial parts of the individuals were quantified. Variables related to the non-perennial parts were more useful than those related to the perennial parts, because they showed a clear variation over the year. Vegetative development declined from June to October, and increased from October to February, when maximum median values of thallus height, total dry mass, non-perennial parts dry mass, and degree of branching were reached. This pattern coincided with those described for other species of the genus from warm temperate regions. Thallus height, a usually employed character in other phenological studies of Sargassum, showed lower coefficient of variation (53.2%) than those related to dry mass (72.0% to 182.3%). Peak of reproduction occurred from June to August, according to the following variables: fertile primary lateral branches number and dry mass and receptacles dry mass. Non-perennial parts dry mass and receptacles dry mass are recommended for phenological studies of S. vulgare. This methodological procedure avoids the sampling of the whole individual and warrants its regeneration from the perennial parts.
机译:对来自里约热内卢州伊利亚哈兰德湾安格拉杜斯雷斯的“ Praia das Gordas”褐海藻Sargassum vulgare种群的物候学研究进行定量变量的适用性评估。从1998年6月至1999年5月,每两个月对20个成年个体进行随机抽样。量化了与个体常年和非常年部分的营养和生殖发育有关的十五个变量。与非多年生植物相关的变量比与多年生植物相关的变量有用,因为它们在一年中显示出明显的变化。营养发育于6月至10月下降,并于10月至2月增加,此时达到all茎高度,总干重,非多年生部分干重和分支程度的最大中值。这种模式与温带温带地区其他属的模式一致。在羊栖菜属植物的其他物候研究中通常使用的hall茎高度显示出的变异系数(53.2%)低于与干重相关的变异系数(72.0%至182.3%)。根据以下变量,繁殖高峰发生在6月至8月:可育的初级侧枝数和干重,贮器干重。建议将非多年生植物的干重和容器的干重用于寻常型葡萄球菌的物候研究。这种方法学过程避免了对整个个体的采样,并保证了从多年生部分的再生。



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