首页> 外文期刊>Revista brasileira de botanica >Fenologia reprodutiva, biologia floral e poliniza??o de Allamanda blanchetii, uma Apocynaceae endêmica da Caatinga

Fenologia reprodutiva, biologia floral e poliniza??o de Allamanda blanchetii, uma Apocynaceae endêmica da Caatinga

机译:Caatinga特有的夹竹桃科Allananda blanchetii的生殖物候,花生物学和授粉



(Reproductive phenology, floral biology and pollination of Allamanda blanchetii, an Apocynaceae endemic of the Caatinga). The reproductive phenology, floral biology, pollination mechanism and breeding system of Allamanda blanchetii A.DC. were studied in natural populations in the Almas Farm, Paraíba, Brazil. Allamanda blanchetii is a shrubby species, endemic of the Caatinga, flowering from February to July, with peak in March-April. The fruiting followed the flowering and continued until September. The tubular flowers are pink, their strong herkogamy preventing self pollination. The pollen grains are deposited in the upper side of the style head (non-receptive region), still in the pre anthesis phase (dehiscent anther), characterizing a secondary pollen presentation. The flowers produce an average of 36.6 μL of nectar, that is the only resource to the floral visitors. Allamanda blanchetii is self incompatible and the results suggest a late-acting self-incompatibility mechanism. The floral attributes are compatible with the melittophilous and psychophilous syndromes. In fact, the observed pollinators were the bee Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, as main pollinator, and four species of butterflies, which act as secondary pollinators. The occurrence of strong herkogamy, secondary pollen presentation and self-incompatibility mechanism indicates high degree of specialization of pollination and breeding systems of A. blanchetii.
机译:(Caatinga夹竹桃科特兰Allamanda blanchetii的生殖物候,花生物学和授粉)拟南芥的生殖物候,花生物学,授粉机理和繁殖系统。在巴西帕拉伊巴的Almas农场对自然种群进行了研究。阿拉曼达兰(Allamanda blanchetii)是一种枯萎的物种,是Caatinga的特有种,从2月至7月开花,在3月至4月达到高峰。开花后结果,一直持续到9月。管状花是粉红色的,其强烈的雌雄同株可防止自花授粉。花粉粒沉积在花序头部的上侧(非接受区域),仍处于花前期(开裂的花药),表征了次级花粉的表现。花朵平均会产生36.6μL的花蜜,这是访客的唯一资源。阿拉曼兰(Allananda blanchetii)具有自我不相容性,其结果提示了一种迟效的自我不相容性机制。花的属性与亲嗜性和嗜性综合症兼容。实际上,观察到的授粉媒介是作为主要授粉媒介的蜜蜂Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier和作为次要授粉媒介的四种蝴蝶。强烈的同源性,次生花粉表现和自交不亲和机制的出现表明,A。blanchetii的授粉和繁殖系统高度专业化。



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