首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia >Transporte de pacientes sem oxigenoterapia para a sala de recupera??o pós-anestésica: repercuss?es na satura??o de oxigênio e fatores de risco associados à hipoxemia

Transporte de pacientes sem oxigenoterapia para a sala de recupera??o pós-anestésica: repercuss?es na satura??o de oxigênio e fatores de risco associados à hipoxemia




BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The transportation of patients from the operating room to the post-anesthetic recovery room without supplemental oxygen is a common practice, since oxygen supplementation is used only in patients at high risk of developing hypoxemia. The objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence of changes in oxygen saturation during this transportation and to identify the risk factors associated to the development of hypoxemia. METHODS: A cohort of 882 patients of both genders, physical status ASA I, II, and III, who underwent elective surgeries of several subspecialties using four different anesthetic techniques, was evaluated. Oxygen saturation was measured and recorded just before the patients left the operating room and as soon as they arrived in the recovery room. RESULTS: There was a greater incidence of moderate to severe hypoxia during the transport of female patients (14.47%), patients with physical status ASA II and III (14.74% and 16.46%, respectively), and those who underwent cardiothoracic (28.21%), gastroproctologic (14.18%), and head and neck (18.18%) surgeries. Among the anesthetic techniques used, general anesthesia was a risk factor associated with the development of hypoxia. CONCLUSIONS: There are factors associated with the development of hypoxia during the transportation of patients from the operating room to the post-anesthetic recovery room. The selective use of supplemental oxygen should be guided by the presence of those risk factors or by the use of a pulse oxymeter, in order to reduce the morbidity, mortality, and the incidence of hypoxemia early in the post-operatory period.
机译:背景与目的:由于氧气补充仅用于发生低氧血症的高风险患者,因此不使用氧气将患者从手术室运送到麻醉后的恢复室是一种常见的做法。这项研究的目的是评估运输过程中氧饱和度变化的发生率,并确定与低氧血症发展有关的危险因素。方法:评估了一组882名男女患者,其身体状况分别为ASA I,II和III,他们使用四种不同的麻醉技术对多个亚专业进行了择期手术。在患者刚离开手术室时以及刚到达康复室时测量并记录氧饱和度。结果:在运输中,女性患者(14.47%),身体状况为ASA II和III的患者(分别为14.74%和16.46%)和接受心胸外科的患者(28.21%)的发生率更高,胃消化外科(14.18%)和头颈外科(18.18%)的手术。在使用的麻醉技术中,全身麻醉是与缺氧发展有关的危险因素。结论:将患者从手术室转移到麻醉后恢复室的过程中存在与缺氧有关的因素。为了降低术后早期的发病率,死亡率和低氧血症的发生率,应根据存在这些危险因素或使用脉搏血氧仪来选择补充氧气。



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