首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >Indigenous Techniques of Grain Storage: The Dawanau Grain Market Experience

Indigenous Techniques of Grain Storage: The Dawanau Grain Market Experience




The paper attempts to document and assess the indigenous techniques of storing grains in one of the largest West African Grain Market; the Dawanau market in Kano metropolis. The methods used include: Field inventory; Focus Group Discussion (FGD); In-depth interviews; and Entomological identification of specimen. The result shows that indigenous techniques are vehemently used in storing grains as against the conventional modern techniques. These include: indigenous biological pest control (Gwargwadoma); herbs (wild sorrel); hot-pepper; and air-tired containers (drums). The use of Gwargwadoma appeared to be the most dominant and common method of large scale grain storage. The Gwargwadoma insects are now being raised and sold out as a commodity. It is therefore recommended that the technique of Gwargwadoma usage should be improved and the biological properties of the Gwargwadoma insects should be fully researched. Keywords: Indigenous; Grain; Storage; Techniques
机译:本文试图记录和评估在最大的西非谷物市场之一中储存谷物的本土技术。卡诺市的达瓦瑙市场。使用的方法包括:现场清点;专题小组讨论(FGD);深度访谈;和标本的昆虫学鉴定。结果表明,与传统的现代技术相比,本地技术被强烈地用于存储谷物。这些措施包括:土著生物虫害防治(Gwargwadoma);草药(野生栗色);辣椒;和充气轮胎的容器(桶)。 Gwargwadoma的使用似乎是大规模谷物储存的最主要和最常用的方法。现在正在饲养Gwargwadoma昆虫并将其作为商品出售。因此,建议对Gwagwadoma昆虫的使用技术进行改进,并充分研究Gwargwadoma昆虫的生物学特性。关键字:土著;粮食;存储;技术技巧



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