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Socio-Economic Problems of Child Labor in Rajshahi City Corporation of Bangladesh: A Reality and Challenges




Social norms and economic realities mean that child labor is widely accepted and common in Bangladesh. Many families rely on the income generated by their children for survival, so child labor is often highly valued. Additionally, employers often prefer to employ children because they are cheaper and considered to be more compliant and obedient than adults. When children are forced to work, they are often denied their rights to education, leisure and play. They are also exposed to situations that make them vulnerable to trafficking, abuse, violence and exploitation. Millions of children are reported not to attend school, however estimated vary. Among children aged 5-18, about five million, are economically active. "Child labor" is a narrower concept than "working children". Many child laborers miss out on their right to education and fall a victim to hazardous work because they do not have the time to go to school or to study. The present study data show that duration of working hours and hazardous working environment are negatively correlated with school attendance, smooth livelihood and physical and mental development of the children. In this study, total numbers of 560 child laborers were interviewed by the author during June 15 to July 14 in 2010 from Rajshahi City Corporation in Bangladesh. Rajshahi City Corporation has 30 words. To data collect well-organized questionnaire prepared and using interview schedule and face-to-face interviewed from the respondents. Simple random sampling techniques were used. Various socio-economic and demographics variables were considered at the time of data collection. But in this paper socio-economic variables are used. In addition, secondary data also used from various child labor's relevant books, articles, documents, and officials through Internet browsing.
机译:社会规范和经济现实意味着童工在孟加拉国被广泛接受并普遍存在。许多家庭依靠子女的收入维持生计,因此童工往往受到高度重视。此外,雇主通常更喜欢雇用儿童,因为他们比成人便宜,并且比成人更顺从和服从。当儿童被迫工作时,他们常常被剥夺受教育,休闲和娱乐的权利。他们还面临使他们容易遭受贩运,虐待,暴力和剥削的情况。据报告,数百万儿童没有上学,但估计有所不同。在5-18岁的儿童中,约有500万人从事经济活动。 “童工”的概念比“童工”的概念更狭窄。许多童工因为没有时间去上学或学习而错过了受教育的权利,并成为危险工作的受害者。目前的研究数据表明,工作时间的长短和危险的工作环境与入学率,生计的平稳性以及儿童的身心发展呈负相关。在这项研究中,作者于2010年6月15日至7月14日在孟加拉国Rajshahi City Corporation采访了560名童工。拉杰沙希市公司有30个字。为了收集整理好的组织好的调查表,并使用访谈时间表和受访者的面对面访谈来收集数据。使用简单的随机采样技术。收集数据时考虑了各种社会经济和人口统计学变量。但是在本文中,使用了社会经济变量。此外,还通过互联网浏览从各种童工的相关书籍,文章,文档和官员中使用了辅助数据。



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