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Retina Today - Clinical Trials for the Retina Specialist: Informed Consent: A Pivotal Piece in a Trial (July/August 2011)

机译:今日视网膜-视网膜专家的临床试验:知情同意:试验中的关键部分(2011年7月/ 2011年8月)



When a patient appears to be eligible to participate in a clinical trial, it is necessary to obtain and document his or her informed consent before proceeding with any studyspecific screening procedures. The informed consent process is the primary and among the most critical aspects of human participant protections in the entirety of clinical trial execution. The process itself involves four specific elements, all of which must be documented: disclosure and comprehension, the informational components; and competence and voluntary choice, the consent components. INFORMED CONSENT PROCESS Institutional review boards (IRBs)/ethics committees (ECs), clinical investigators, and sponsors of clinical research share joint responsibility for ensuring that the informed consent process is conducted properly and professionally, but the responsibility of actually obtaining informed consent is ultimately the investigatora??s alone. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states: a??Informed consent is more than just a signature on a form, it is a process of information exchange that may include, in addition to reading and signing the informed consent document, subject recruitment materials, verbal instructions, question/answer sessions and measures of subject understanding.a??1 The tangible outcome of this process is the establishment of proper documentation to satisfy legal and regulatory requirements. The foundations, however, are central among the basic fundamentals of ethical conduct and research practice. These internationally accepted standards were first set forth in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and remain recognized to this day. From a practical perspective, the informed consent process is also a chance to launch good patient-practitioner communication and develop positive rapport with potential subjects. In sum, the consent process should serve as the basis for a meaningful exchange between the investigator and the subject. INFORMED CONSENT ELEMENTS1 Although the FDA does not explicitly require the clinical investigator to personally conduct the consent interviews, he or she is responsible for ensuring that proper informed consent is obtained from each subject before the subject is allowed to participate in a clinical study. The IRB-approved informed consent form (ICF) used to document consent may be either of the following: a full, written document or a short form that states the relevant information has been presented orally to the subject. It is not uncommon to see a high frequency of these short forms used in retina studies because many potential subjects for these trials have severely compromised visual acuity. In this case, an impartial witness must be present during the informed consent discussion. After the ICF and any other IRB-approved supplemental information has been provided to, read by, and explained to the subject (and/or the subjecta??s legally authorized representative) and the subject consents to participate, the subject is asked to sign and date the ICF. The witness should also sign and date the consent form to attest that the information in the consent form was accurately presented to the subject. In the context of an investigational drug, biologic or device study, the ICF must also contain a statement that the study involves research; this differentiates it from consent forms used for standard medical procedures. Additionally, this must be supplemented by an explanation of the purpose of the study, an outline of the study visit schedule and procedures, the number of subjects expected to be enrolled in the study, and identification of any investigational products. It is important that the information be in terms that the subject can understand. Taking the time to thoroughly review terms or procedures that may be unfamiliar to the subject (e.g. randomization, placebo control, tonometry) are crucial to ensuring the subject is truly
机译:当患者似乎有资格参加临床试验时,有必要在进行任何针对研究的筛选程序之前获得并证明其知情同意。在整个临床试验执行过程中,知情同意程序是人类参与者保护的主要方面,也是最关键的方面。该过程本身包含四个特定元素,所有这些元素都必须记录在案:披露和理解,信息组件;以及能力和自愿选择,即同意的组成部分。知情同意程序机构审查委员会(IRB)/伦理委员会(EC),临床研究者和临床研究的赞助者共同承担确保正确和专业地进行知情同意程序的责任,但最终获得实际知情同意的责任研究者一个人。美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)指出:a。知情同意不仅是表格上的签名,它是一种信息交流的过程,除了阅读和签署知情同意文件外,还可能包括受试者招募材料,口头指示,问题/答案环节以及对主题理解的衡量标准。a?? 1此过程的切实结果是建立适当的文档以满足法律和法规要求。但是,基础是道德行为和研究实践的基本基础。这些国际公认的标准最初是在1964年的《赫尔辛基宣言》中提出的,并一直保留到今天。从实践的角度来看,知情同意过程也是一个机会,可以启动良好的医患沟通,并与潜在受试者建立积极的融洽关系。总之,同意程序应作为研究者与受试者之间有意义的交流的基础。知情同意书1尽管FDA并未明确要求临床研究者亲自进行知情同意书采访,但他或她有责任确保在允许受试者参加临床研究之前已从每个受试者获得适当的知情同意书。用于记录同意书的IRB批准的知情同意书(ICF)可以是以下形式之一:完整的书面文件或表明已向受试者口述相关信息的简短表。视网膜研究中频繁使用这些短格式的现象并不罕见,因为这些试验的许多潜在受试者严重损害了视敏度。在这种情况下,在知情同意书讨论期间必须有公正的证人在场。在向受试者(和/或受试者的合法授权代表)提供ICF和IRB批准的任何其他补充信息并向受试者(和/或受试者的合法授权代表)进行解释并且受试者同意参与后,要求受试者签名并注明ICF的日期。证人还应在同意书上签名并注明日期,以证明同意书中的信息已正确显示给受试者。在研究性药物,生物学或装置研究的背景下,ICF还必须声明该研究涉及研究;这与用于标准医疗程序的同意书有所不同。此外,还必须对研究目的进行说明,研究访问时间表和程序的概述,预期要参加研究的受试者人数以及任何研究产品的标识,以作为补充。重要的是,信息应以受试者能够理解的术语为准。花时间彻底检查可能不熟悉受试者的术语或程序(例如随机化,安慰剂对照,眼压测定)对于确保受试者真正



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