首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >Effectiveness of Teacher Counsellors’ Delivery of Guidance and Counselling Services towards Enhancing Discipline among Students in Olokurto Division, Narok County, Kenya

Effectiveness of Teacher Counsellors’ Delivery of Guidance and Counselling Services towards Enhancing Discipline among Students in Olokurto Division, Narok County, Kenya




While education is expected to change the behaviour of learners positively by moulding them into self respecting and self- reliant individuals, discipline related issues have been at the fore of educational debates as students encounter challenges associated with adolescence. Cases of truancy, drug abuse, immorality, destruction of property and loss of life, are however, indicators of the existence of a conflict between educational aims and discipline among secondary school students. This is despite the provision of guidance and counselling services in schools, hence the need to examine the effectiveness of guidance and counselling in enhancing discipline among secondary school students. The objective of study was to examine the effectiveness of examine the effectiveness of teacher counsellors’ service delivery of guidance and counselling services towards enhancing discipline among secondary school students in Olokurto Division, Narok County, Kenya. Descriptive survey design was employed in the study and a questionnaire was used obtain data from respondents. Person centred theory advanced by Carl Rogers guided the study. The study population comprised 861 students, 12 teacher counsellors and 6 deputy principals drawn from the six public secondary schools in the division. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were employed to sample 129 students for the study. Schools, deputy principals and teacher counsellors in the division were purposively sampled. Using test-retest method, the instruments yielded a reliability coefficient of r = 0.76, thus accepted for the study. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 20.0 and presented in tables, charts, graphs, means, frequencies and percentages. The study established that teacher counsellors could not effectively deliver guidance and counselling services due to their low levels of training, heavy workload, lack of resources and facilities. The study recommends training of guidance and counselling teachers, reduction of teaching load for teacher counsellors and strengthening of school guidance and counselling departments through provision of resources and facilities. The findings and recommendations of this study, if implemented will be useful to policy makers in the Ministry of Education, heads of secondary schools, counselling personnel and students through improved services from more informed teacher counsellors.
机译:人们期望通过教育将学习者塑造成具有自尊心和自力更生的个人,从而积极改变学习者的行为,但随着学生面临与青春期相关的挑战,与学科相关的问题已成为教育辩论的重点。但是,逃学,吸毒,不道德,财产损失和生命损失的案例表明,中学生的教育目标和纪律之间存在冲突。尽管在学校提供了指导和咨询服务,但仍需要研究指导和咨询在增强中学生纪律方面的有效性。该研究的目的是检验有效性,检验肯尼亚纳洛克县奥洛库托分校中学生辅导员提供指导和咨询服务以增强中学生纪律的有效性。该研究采用描述性调查设计,并使用问卷从受访者那里获取数据。卡尔·罗杰斯提出的以人为本的理论指导了这项研究。研究人口包括来自该部门六所公立中学的861名学生,12名辅导员和6名副校长。采用分层和简单的随机抽样技术对129名学生进行了抽样研究。故意抽取该部门的学校,副校长和教师辅导员。使用重测方法,仪器得出的可靠性系数为r = 0.76,因此被该研究接受。使用SPSS 20.0版软件分析数据,并以表格,图表,图形,平均值,频率和百分比表示。研究表明,教师辅导员由于培训水平低,工作量大,缺乏资源和设施而无法有效地提供指导和辅导服务。该研究建议通过提供资源和设施,培训指导和咨询老师,减轻教师咨询师的教学负担,并加强学校指导和咨询部门。这项研究的结果和建议如果得到实施,将对教育部的政策制定者,中学负责人,辅导人员和学生提供有益的帮助,它们将使知识渊博的教师辅导员提供更好的服务。



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