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Without Why: Useless Plants in Daoism and Christianity




This article focuses on three examples of religious considerations of plants, with specific attention to the uselessness of plants. Drawing on Christian and Daoist sources, the examples include the following: (1) the lilies of the field described by Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke; (2) the useless tree of Zhuangzi; and (3) Martin Heidegger’s reading of a mystic poet influenced by Meister Eckhart, Angelus Silesius, for whom a rose blooms “without why,” which resonates with Heidegger’s deconstruction ( Destruktion ) of the history of metaphysics and his interpretation of uselessness in Zhuangzi. Each of those examples involves non-anthropocentric engagements with the uselessness of plants, which is not to say that they are completely free of the anthropocentrically scaled perspectives that assimilate uselessness into the logistics of agricultural societies. In contrast to ethical theories of the intrinsic value (biocentrism) or systemic value (ecocentrism) of plants, these Christian and Daoist perspectives converge with ecological deconstruction in suggesting that ethical encounters with plants emerge through attention to their uselessness. A viable response to planetary emergency can emerge with the radical passivity of effortless action, which is a careless care that finds solidarity with the carefree ways of plants.
机译:本文重点讨论植物在宗教方面的三个例子,并特别注意植物的无用性。利用基督教和道教的资料,例子包括:(1)耶稣在马太福音和路加福音中描述的田野百合; (二)无用的庄子树; (3)马丁·海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)读到一位受埃斯特·迈克·埃克哈特(Meister Eckhart)影响的神秘诗人,安格鲁斯·西里修斯(Angelus Silesius)为之倾倒,玫瑰“无故”绽放,这与海德格尔对形而上的历史及其对庄子无用的诠释产生共鸣。这些例子中的每一个都涉及非人类中心的参与与植物的无用性,这并不是说它们完全摆脱了以人为中心的规模化观点,将无用性吸收到农业社会的后勤中。与植物的内在价值(生物中心主义)或系统价值(生态中心主义)的伦理学理论相反,这些基督教和道教的观点与生态解构相融合,表明对植物的伦理遭遇是通过关注植物的无用性而出现的。毫不费力地采取行动的根本消极态度可能会产生对行星紧急情况的可行反应,这是一种疏忽大意的护理,与植物的无忧无虑方式相一致。



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