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Rationality and Ethics between Western and Islamic Tradition




In the contemporary legal and political debate a large space is taken by the concept of ‘reasonableness’ as a multifaceted notion. Its plasticity makes it very adaptable to the variety of problems that is called on to solve. Its philosophical underpinnings are located in the tradition of Western thought. On the one hand, we have the modern tradition, including the Kantian and the Humean views and, on the other, the Aristotelian–Thomistic tradition, proposing a different and competing conception of reasonableness. Insofar as the latter tradition proposes an idea relying on perfectionist considerations, I want to inquire into the Islamic tradition of reason and rationality in order to find whether it is closer to the first or to the second model. Concepts such as ‘ijitihad’, ‘maqasid’ and ‘maslaha’, I shall argue, find their better explanation if interpreted along the Aristotelian perfectionist tradition rather than along its competitor. If this move is well-founded, some important consequences for the understanding of contemporary Islamic culture may derive. My basic assumption is that those Islamic concepts (and a few others) embed a religious and cultural core of tension to ‘human development’ that can nicely dovetail with Aristotelian rationality and ethics of virtues.
机译:在当代的法律和政治辩论中,“合理性”概念是一个多方面的概念,占据了很大的空间。它的可塑性使其非常适合要求解决的各种问题。它的哲学基础位于西方思想的传统中。一方面,我们拥有现代传统,包括康德式和休曼式的观点;另一方面,我们拥有亚里斯多德-托姆主义传统,提出了另一种相互竞争的合理性概念。就后一种传统提出了一个基于完美主义考虑的思想的问题,我想探究伊斯兰理性和理性的传统,以发现它更接近第一种还是第二种模式。我将争辩说,诸如“ ijitihad”,“ maqasid”和“ maslaha”之类的概念,如果沿亚里斯多德完美主义传统而不是其竞争者的传统进行解释,将会找到更好的解释。如果这一举动是有充分根据的,那么可能会对理解当代伊斯兰文化产生一些重要的后果。我的基本假设是,这些伊斯兰观念(以及其他一些观念)在“人类发展”中融入了紧张的宗教和文化核心,可以很好地与亚里士多德的理性和美德伦理相吻合。



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