首页> 外文期刊>Resource-Efficient Technologies >Heat transfer coefficients and productivity of a single slope single basin solar still in Indian climatic condition: Experimental and theoretical comparison

Heat transfer coefficients and productivity of a single slope single basin solar still in Indian climatic condition: Experimental and theoretical comparison




A theoretical and experimental study was conducted at the central Indian location of Rewa, M.P., India (Latitude: 24°33′ 20.81′′ N, Longitude: 81°18′ 49.1′′ E). This paper presents a detailed comparison of the theoretical and the experimental results obtained for a single sloped basin type solar still. Results for different parameters such as basin water temperature, glass cover temperature, distillate output, evaporative, convective and radiative heat transfer coefficients and attenuation factor were obtained for basin water depths ranging from 2 cm to 10 cm. For solar still, daily distillate output decreased with increase in basin water depth. The theoretical value of daily efficiency for 2 cm and 10 cm basin water depth was around 52.83% and 41.75%, respectively, and for the same basin water depth, experimental daily efficiency was around 41.49% and 32.42% respectively. A sound agreement between the theoretical and the experimental results was observed.
机译:在印度中部雷瓦(Rewa)的印度中部地区进行了理论和实验研究(纬度:北纬24°33′20.81′′,东经:81°18′49.1′′)。本文对单斜盆式太阳能蒸馏器的理论和实验结果进行了详细的比较。对于2 cm至10 cm深度的盆水,获得了不同参数的结果,例如盆水温度,玻璃盖温度,馏出物输出,蒸发,对流和辐射传热系数和衰减系数。对于太阳能蒸馏器,每日蒸馏产量随盆地水深的增加而下降。 2 cm和10 cm盆水深度的日效率理论值分别约为52.83%和41.75%,而对于相同盆水深度,实验日效率分别为41.49%和32.42%。在理论和实验结果之间观察到合理的一致性。



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