首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences >Preliminary Phytochemical investigations and evaluation of Antimicrobial activity of n-hexane extract of the leaves of Synclisia scabrida family menispermaceae

Preliminary Phytochemical investigations and evaluation of Antimicrobial activity of n-hexane extract of the leaves of Synclisia scabrida family menispermaceae




The leaves of Synclisia scabrida were claimed to have antimicrobial properties. The leaves were used to treat wounds, running stomach, as well as fever. This investigation was carried out to ascertain the veracity of the claim. The leaves were collected and dried at ambient temperature and pulverized. 250gm of the powdered drug was extracted with 0.5 litre of n-hexane using the cold maceration technique for 24hours with occasional shaking. This was filtered and the process repeated using the marc. The combined filtrates were concentrated under reduced pressure with rotary evaporator. The preliminary phytochemical test were carried out using standard methods. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated using agar diffusion method. The leaves of synclisia scabrida exhibited antimicrobial property. Alkaloid, flavonoids, saponins, terpenoids and glycosides were found. Conclusion - the claim on the use of Synclisia sabrida appears to be obvious in line with the results of the investigation.
机译:据称Synclisia scabrida的叶子具有抗菌特性。叶子用来治疗伤口,胃部不适和发烧。进行了这项调查以确定索赔的真实性。收集叶子并在环境温度下干燥并粉碎。使用冷浸技术将250克粉末药物用0.5升正己烷萃取24小时,偶尔摇动。将其过滤,并使用marc重复该过程。合并的滤液用旋转蒸发仪减压浓缩。初步的植物化学测试使用标准方法进行。使用琼脂扩散法评价抗菌活性。斜纹夜蛾的叶片表现出抗菌性能。发现了生物碱,类黄酮,皂苷,萜类和糖苷。结论-与Synclisia sabrida的使用有关的主张似乎与调查结果一致。



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