首页> 外文期刊>Reproductive Health >A multi-center, randomized controlled clinical trial of the application of a shortened protocol of long-acting Triptorelin down-regulated prior to IVF/ICSI among patients with endometriosis: A protocol

A multi-center, randomized controlled clinical trial of the application of a shortened protocol of long-acting Triptorelin down-regulated prior to IVF/ICSI among patients with endometriosis: A protocol

机译:在子宫内膜异位症患者中应用长效曲普瑞林缩短方案在IVF / ICSI之前下调的简化方案的多中心,随机对照临床试验:



Endometriosis is the major cause of progressive pelvic pain and subfertility. Up to 50% of reproductive-age women suffer from pelvic pain. Endometriosis is a classic indication for IVF. Compared with women whose inability to procreate is caused by simple tubal infertility, women with endometriosis often have lower pregnancy rates following in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI). The administration of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists prior to IVF/ICSI can improve the successful pregnancy rate. Whether a briefer treatment interval would be efficacious has not been studied. Eligible and consenting women will be randomly assigned to one of two treatments (one cycle of a GnRH agonist or two cycles of a GnRH agonist) prior to IVF/ICSI using a table of random numbers. The primary outcome of this trial is clinical pregnancy rate. Other outcomes include gonadotrophin (Gn) duration, the total dose of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) used, number of oocytes retrieved, number of embryos available for transfer, implantation rate, the abortion rate, live birth rate, and incidence of moderate-to-severe ovarian hyperstimulation. The sample size of this trial is estimated to be 421 participants for each of the two arms. Appropriate interim analyses will be conducted by a data monitoring and ethics committee (DMEC), and the final test will be an intention-to-treat analysis. This trial has been assigned the following registry number: NCT03006406 .
机译:子宫内膜异位症是进行性骨盆疼痛和不孕的主​​要原因。多达50%的育龄妇女患有骨盆疼痛。子宫内膜异位是IVF的经典适应症。与那些因单纯的输卵管性不育而无法生育的妇女相比,子宫内膜异位症的妇女通常在体外受精/胞浆内注射精子(IVF / ICSI)后具有较低的妊娠率。在IVF / ICSI之前施用促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)激动剂可以提高成功妊娠率。尚未研究更短的治疗间隔是否有效。符合条件并同意的女性将在IVF / ICSI之前使用随机数表随机分配到两种治疗方法之一(一个周期的GnRH激动剂或两个周期的GnRH激动剂)中。该试验的主要结果是临床妊娠率。其他结果包括促性腺激素(Gn)持续时间,所使用的卵泡刺激素(FSH)的总剂量,回收的卵母细胞数,可用于移植的胚胎数,着床率,流产率,活产率以及中度卵母细胞的发生率。对卵巢过度刺激。该试验的样本量估计为两个小组各有421名参与者。数据监控和道德委员会(DMEC)将进行适当的临时分析,最终测试将是意向性分析。该试验已分配了以下注册表编号:NCT03006406。



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