首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Finance and Accounting >The Causes of the Ineffectiveness of Selected Statutory Anti-Corruption Establishments In Fraud Prevention And Control In The Nigerian Public Sector

The Causes of the Ineffectiveness of Selected Statutory Anti-Corruption Establishments In Fraud Prevention And Control In The Nigerian Public Sector




One of the major attributes that have eluded the Nigeria policy for a long time is accountability and transparency. The fact that accountability seems to be the major road to good governance makes it inevitable. It is apparent that, without a reversion to this cardinal attribute fraudulent practices will continue to exist. It is on this note that this study titled: The causes of the ineffectiveness of selected statutory anti-corruption establishments in fraud prevention and control in Nigerian public sector is aimed at identifying strategies and measures that will strengthen the effectiveness of the commission in their fight against corruption in the Nigerian public sector ensure accountability and transparency. The researcher adopted content analytical method. The study revealed that lack of internal control system, poor financial records, keeping and inadequate qualified accounting staff and more so, plea bargaining and presidential pardon on fraudsters affect the effectiveness of the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practice Commission (ICPC). The implication of the findings is that, it will be difficult for the government to succeed in the fight against corruption in Nigeria if the identified problems are not addressed. The recommendation of the study is for everybody to collaborate with the EFCC and ICPC to get rid of corruption in Nigeria, government should ensure that the public sector officials discharge their duties in compliance with the code of conduct guiding the public sector. Key word: Anti corruption agencies, fraud and corruption
机译:长期以来,尼日利亚政策一直躲避的主要特征之一是问责制和透明度。问责制似乎是通往善政的主要途径,这一事实使其不可避免。显然,在不恢复这种基本属性的情况下,欺诈行为将继续存在。值得注意的是,这项研究的标题是:尼日利亚公共部门中选定的法定反腐败机构在舞弊预防和控制中无效的原因,目的在于确定战略和措施,以加强该委员会在打击腐败方面的有效性。尼日利亚公共部门的腐败确保了问责制和透明度。研究人员采用了内容分析法。研究表明,缺乏内部控制制度,财务记录不佳,合格的会计人员不全和不足,尤其是对欺诈者的辩诉交易和总统赦免会影响经济和金融犯罪委员会(EFCC)和独立腐败行为委员会的效力。 (ICPC)。研究结果的含义是,如果不解决已发现的问题,政府将很难在尼日利亚的反腐败斗争中取得成功。该研究的建议是,每个人都应与EFCC和ICPC合作,以消除尼日利亚的腐败现象,政府应确保公共部门官员按照指导公共部门的行为守则履行职责。关键词:反腐败机构,欺诈与腐败



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