首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Finance and Accounting >Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies in Kenya and Their Credit Risk Management Practices

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies in Kenya and Their Credit Risk Management Practices




The pharmaceutical industry in Kenya consists of manufacturers, distributors and retailers, who all actively support the Ministry of Health and other key players in developing the health sector. Kenya spends about 8% of its GDP on health. Trade credit is created whenever a supplier offers terms that allow the buyer to delay payment. This study aimed at to identifying the credit risk management practices adopted by pharmaceutical manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study found out that the two most important factors considered in establishing a credit policy are the financial stability of the customer and the existing credit policy. Majority of the firms do not have a credit policy manual. The most widely used credit risk management practices are use of debt collectors letters of credit, credit insurance and factoring of debt in that order. In dealing with difficult to pay customers nearly all firms put the account on hold and stopped future sales till the account was settled, (80%) engaged services of debt collectors, (43%) resorted to selling on cash basis. The 6C’s model of credit appraisal was widely used. Key words: credit risk, credit risk management, pharmaceutical firms
机译:肯尼亚的制药业由制造商,分销商和零售商组成,他们都积极支持卫生部和其他发展卫生部门的主要参与者。肯尼亚将其国内生产总值的约8%用于健康。只要供应商提供允许买方延迟付款的条款,就会创建贸易信用。这项研究旨在确定肯尼亚制药公司采用的信用风险管理做法。该研究发现,建立信贷政策时考虑的两个最重要因素是客户的财务稳定性和现有信贷政策。大多数公司没有信贷政策手册。最广泛使用的信用风险管理实践是使用收债员信用证,信用保险和按顺序进行债务保理。在与难以支付的客户打交道时,几乎所有公司都暂停了该帐户并停止了将来的销售,直到该帐户结清为止。(80%)从事收债员服务,(43%)采取现金销售。 6C的信用评估模型被广泛使用。关键词:信用风险信用风险管理制药企业



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