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Spatial and temporal changes in seasonal range attributes in a declining barren-ground caribou herd




From 1996 to 2015 the Bathurst caribou herd has declined from approximately 349,000 to 20,000 animals. Aboriginal traditional knowledge (TK) has recently observed the later arrival of the herd below the treeline, an attribute of the autumn range. Science also predicts that seasonal range attributes (e.g., area, location) likely vary with population size, and perhaps climate. We used Aboriginal TK and science to identify several seasonal range attributes that were examined for changes through time (decreasing population abundance). Attributes of seasonal ranges for female Bathurst caribou were calculated using satellite radio-collar data from January 1996 through October 2013. Climate data from CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment Network were analyzed for trends from 1979 to 2009. Analyses showed a significant decrease in the area of post-calving and autumn ranges, but no changes in winter and spring ranges. Results supported Aboriginal TK that female caribou have shifted the autumn range farther from the treeline and moved into the forest later in the year. Analysis of climate variables found no trends at the spatio-temporal scale of the post-calving to autumn ranges. Working hypotheses to explain these patterns, which are not mutually exclusive, include reduced predation risk, increased use of core areas at lower population density, and greater utilization of areas of taiga where arboreal and ground lichen availability and accessibility are relatively higher than in the forest. This analysis demonstrates how including Aboriginal TK can lead to stronger connections and results, with potential to provide new and different insights for further investigations.
机译:从1996年到2015年,巴瑟斯特(Bathurst)驯鹿群已从约34.9万只减少到2万只。最近,土著传统知识(TK)观察到牛群较晚到达林线以下,这是秋季范围的一个特征。科学还预测,季节性范围属性(例如,区域,位置)可能会随人口规模以及气​​候而变化。我们使用原住民传统知识和科学方法确定了几个季节性范围属性,这些属性随时间变化(人口数量减少)。使用1996年1月至2013年10月的卫星无线电项圈数据计算了女性巴瑟斯特驯鹿的季节性范围属性。分析了CircumArctic Rangifer监测和评估网络的气候数据,了解1979年至2009年的趋势。产后和秋季范围,但冬季和春季范围没有变化。结果支持土著传统知识,即北美驯鹿将秋季范围从林线移开,并于今年晚些时候移入森林。对气候变量的分析发现,从产后到秋季的时空尺度没有趋势。解释这些模式的工作假说不是相互排斥的,包括降低的捕食风险,在较低的人口密度下增加对核心区域的利用以及对针叶林面积的利用,那里树木和地衣的可利用性和可及性相对高于森林。该分析表明,将原住民传统知识包括在内可以如何导致更牢固的联系和结果,并有可能为进一步的研究提供新的不同见解。



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