首页> 外文期刊>Rangifer >Hearths in the coastal areas of northernmost Sweden, from the period AD 800 to 1950

Hearths in the coastal areas of northernmost Sweden, from the period AD 800 to 1950




This paper presents a study of the chronological setting of hearths registered in FMIS (digital register containing records of all known ancient monuments in Sweden) in the provinces of V?sterbotten and Norrbotten, Northern Sweden. A total of c. 1500 hearths are known in the area, mainly situated north of the river Skellefte?lven. Within a study area of 107 x 94 km, 32 hearths were randomly selected for excavation, each site embracing 1-14 hearths. The sites were scanned using a metal detector and nearly all artifacts found were from the period AD 1600-1900. 14 C-datings of charcoal and burned bones corroborated that most hearths were used during this period, with a large number dating to the 19 th and 20 th centuries. Many hearths contained bones from mature reindeer, indicating that the hearths were related to reindeer herding. We suggest that most hearths are related to nomadic Sami reindeer herders using coastal areas for winter pasture, possibly resulting from the breakdown of the “ lappskatteland ” (taxation lands) system and an increase in reindeer numbers.
机译:本文介绍了瑞典北部V?sterbotten和Norrbotten省在FMIS(包含瑞典所有已知古迹的记录的数字寄存器)中登记的壁炉的时间顺序研究。共c。该地区已知有1500炉膛,主要位于Skellefte?lven河以北。在107 x 94 km的研究区域内,随机选择32个炉膛进行发掘,每个工地都包含1-14个炉膛。使用金属探测器对这些部位进行扫描,发现的几乎所有文物都来自公元1600-1900年。 14次木炭和骨头烧伤的日期证实了这一时期使用了大多数炉床,其中许多可追溯到19世纪和20世纪。许多炉膛包含成熟驯鹿的骨头,这表明炉膛与驯鹿放牧有关。我们建议大多数壁炉与使用沿海地区冬季牧场的游牧萨米驯鹿牧民有关,这可能是由于“拉普斯卡特兰”(征税土地)系统崩溃和驯鹿数量增加所致。



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