首页> 外文期刊>Rangifer >Peary caribou distribution within the Bathurst Island Complex relative to the boundary proposed for Qausuittuq National Park, Nunavut

Peary caribou distribution within the Bathurst Island Complex relative to the boundary proposed for Qausuittuq National Park, Nunavut




How caribou ( Rangifer tarandus ), including Peary caribou ( R. t. pearyi ), use their annual ranges varies with changes in abundance. While fidelity to some seasonal ranges is persistent, use of other areas changes. Consequently, understanding changes in seasonal distribution is useful for designing boundaries of protected areas for caribou conservation. A case in point is the proposed Qausuittuq (Northern Bathurst Island) National Park for Bathurst Island and its satellite islands in the High Arctic of Canada. Since 1961, Peary caribou have been through three periods of high and low abundance. We examined caribou distribution and composition mapped during nine systematic aerial surveys (1961–2013), unsystematic helicopter surveys (1989–98), and limited radio-collaring from 1994–97 and 2003–06. While migration patterns changed and use of southern Bathurst Island decreased during lows in abundance, use of satellite islands, especially Cameron Island for winter range, persisted during both highs and lows in abundance. The northeast coast of Bathurst Island was used to a greater extent during the rut and during summer at low abundance. We suggest that Park boundaries which include Cameron Island and the northeast coast of Bathurst Island will be more effective in contributing to the persistence of Peary caribou on the Bathurst Island Complex.
机译:驯鹿(Rangifer tarandus)(包括Peary驯鹿(R. t。pearyi))如何利用其年度范围随丰度的变化而变化。尽管对某些季节范围的忠诚度持续存在,但其他地区的使用却发生了变化。因此,了解季节性分布的变化对于设计驯鹿保护区的边界很有帮助。一个典型的例子是拟议的加拿大巴瑟斯特岛及其附属岛屿的Qausuittuq(北巴瑟斯特岛)国家公园。自1961年以来,Peary驯鹿就经历了三个高和低丰度期。我们研究了九次系统性航空调查(1961-2013年),非系统性直升机调查(1989-98年)以及1994-97年和2003-06年的有限无线电收口过程中的驯鹿分布和成分。虽然迁移模式发生了变化,并且在丰度低点期间南部巴瑟斯特岛的使用减少了,但卫星岛的使用,特别是冬季的卡梅伦岛,在丰度高点和低点期间都持续存在。巴瑟斯特岛的东北海岸在发情期和夏季的低丰度中被大量使用。我们建议包括Cameron岛和Bathurst岛东北海岸在内的公园边界将更有效地促进Peary驯鹿在Bathurst岛上的持久存在。



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