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An $$ell -p$$ ? - p switch trick to obtain a new proof of a criterion for arithmetic equivalence

机译: $$ ell -p $$ <数学xmlns:xlink =“ http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink”> - p 切换技巧以获得新的准则证明算术等价



Two number fields are called arithmetically equivalent if they have the same Dedekind zeta function. In the 1970s Perlis showed that this is equivalent to the condition that for almost every rational prime $$ell $$ ? the arithmetic type of $$ell $$ ? is the same in each field. In the 1990s Perlis and Stuart gave an unexpected characterization for arithmetic equivalence; they showed that to be arithmetically equivalent it is enough for almost every prime $$ell $$ ? to have the same number of prime factors in each field. Here, using an $$ell -p$$ ? - p switch trick, we provide an alternative proof of that fact based on a classical elementary result of Smith from the 1870s.
机译:如果两个数字字段具有相同的Dedekind zeta函数,则在算术上等效。在1970年代,佩利斯(Perlis)表明,这等同于几乎每个有理数素数的条件。 $$ ell $$的算术类型?在每个领域都相同。在1990年代,佩利斯(Perlis)和斯图尔特(Stuart)出人意料地对算术等价进行了描述;他们证明,算术上等价的几乎每个质数$ ell $$?在每个领域中具有相同数量的主要因子。在这里,使用$$ ell -p $$吗? -p开关技巧,我们根据1870年代史密斯的经典基本结果提供了这一事实的替代证明。



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