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The reintroduction of boreal caribou as a conservation strategy: A long-term assessment at the southern range limit




Boreal caribou were extirpated from the Charlevoix region (Québec) in the 1920s because of hunting and poaching. In 1965, the Québec government initiated a caribou reintroduction program in Charlevoix. During the winters of 1966 and 1967, a total of 48 boreal caribou were captured, translocated by plane, and released within enclosures; only their offspring (82 individuals) were released in the wild. Between 1967 and 1980, a wolf control program was applied to support caribou population growth. The caribou population, however, remained relatively stable at 45–55 individuals during this period. During the 1980s, the population grew slowly at a rate of approximately 5% each year to reach a peak of 126 individuals in 1992. At that time, Bergerud & Mercer (1989) reported that the Charlevoix experiment was the only successful attempt at caribou reintroduction in the presence of predators (in North America). Afterwards, the population declined and since then it has been relatively stable at about 80 individuals. Here we reviewed the literature regarding the ecology and population dynamics of the Charlevoix caribou herd since its reintroduction, in an attempt to critically assess the value of reintroduction as a conservation tool for this species. Indeed, the Charlevoix caribou herd is now considered at very high risk of extinction mostly because of its small size, its isolation from other caribou populations, and low recruitment. The Charlevoix region has been heavily impacted by forestry activities since the early 1980s. Recent studies have indicated that these habitat modifications may have benefited populations of wolves and black bears—two predators of caribou—and that caribou range fidelity may have exposed caribou to higher predation risk via maladaptive habitat selection. As females are ageing, and females and calves suffer high predation pressure from wolves and bears respectively, we suggest that the future of this reintroduced herd is in question and that they are facing a high probability of extinction in the near future if further action is not taken.
机译:由于狩猎和偷猎,北方驯鹿在1920年代从夏洛瓦地区(魁北克)灭绝。 1965年,魁北克政府在夏洛瓦(Charlevoix)发起了驯鹿驯化计划。在1966年和1967年冬季,总共捕获了48只北方北美驯鹿,将它们从飞机上转移并释放到封闭的空间内。只有他们的后代(82个个体)在野外被释放。在1967年至1980年之间,实施了狼群控制计划来支持驯鹿种群的增长。然而,在此期间,驯鹿种群保持相对稳定,为45-55人。在1980年代,该种群以每年约5%的速度缓慢增长,到1992年达到126个高峰。当时,Bergerud&Mercer(1989)报告说,Charlevoix实验是驯鹿再引入的唯一成功尝试在捕食者面前(在北美)。此后,人口下降了,此后一直稳定在大约80个人。在这里,我们回顾了关于夏勒瓦驯鹿自重新引入以来生态学和种群动态的文献,以期严格评估重新引入作为该物种的保护工具的价值。实际上,现在认为夏勒沃驯鹿群的灭绝风险非常高,这主要是因为其体形小,与其他驯鹿种群隔离,招募率低。自1980年代初以来,夏勒瓦地区一直受到林业活动的严重影响。最近的研究表明,这些栖息地的改变可能使狼和黑熊(驯鹿的两个捕食者)的种群受益,驯鹿的保真度可能使驯鹿通过适应不良的栖息地而面临更高的捕食风险。随着雌性年龄的增长,雌性和小牛分别受到狼和熊的高捕食压力,我们建议这种重新引入的牛群的未来是有问题的,如果不采取进一步行动,他们将在不久的将来面临灭绝的可能性采取。



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