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Reading for empowerment: Intertextuality offers creative possibilities for enlightened citizenry




Julia Kristeva coined the term ‘intertextuality' to explain her utter belief in the mutability and movement of texts, in contradistinction to the time-honoured popular idea that a text is an autonomous and self-evident object. For Kristeva, any text implies the existence and embedding of other texts, also known as sub-texts, within it. This has far-reaching implications for the way we read, engage with, and interpret various texts. This article describes the concept of intertextuality as a model of reading which puts the reader at the centre of the reading process. It goes on to link intertextuality to other domains of literacy, notably the notion of ‘spheres of literacy'. Central to intertextuality and spheres of literacy is their privileging of the reader, as opposed to the author, in the reading process. Finally, the article explores the ways in which our awareness and use of intertextuality can help to develop a literate and free-thinking citizenry who derive utmost autonomy and empowerment from various cultural texts accessible to them.
机译:朱莉娅·克里斯蒂娃(Julia Kristeva)创造了“互文性”一词,以解释她对文本的可变性和运动性的完全信仰,这与历史悠久的流行观点认为文本是一种自主的,不言而喻的对象形成了鲜明的对比。对于克里斯蒂娃(Kristeva),任何文本都暗含了其他文本的存在和嵌入,也称为子文本。这对我们阅读,参与和解释各种文本的方式具有深远的影响。本文将互文性的概念描述为一种阅读模型,使读者成为阅读过程的中心。它继续将互文性与其他扫盲领域联系起来,特别是“扫盲领域”的概念。互文性和扫盲领域的核心是他们在阅读过程中相对于作者享有读者的特权。最后,本文探讨了我们对互文性的认识和使用可以如何帮助他们发展出一个识字和自由思考的公民,这些公民从他们可以获取的各种文化文本中获得最大的自主权和赋权。



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