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Priceless ecosystems threatened by a rare earth mining project in northwest Madagascar – Ampasindava Peninsula




Madagascar is one of the richest biodiversity hotspots onthe planet. The diverse tropical and subtropical climates ofthe island, its topography and geological history have produced a unique level of species diversity and endemism.The Ampasindava Peninsula, located in the Diana region ofnorth-western Madagascar, about 40 km south of Ambanjacity along the coast of the Mozambique Channel, sheltershighly original ecosystems. The climatic parameters of thepeninsula are more similar to those of the humid and subhumid areas of the east coast of the island than to thoseof the rest of the west coast, where much drier conditionsprevail. Thus, isolated and distinctive sub humid and humidforests and mangroves have developed. Consequently, botanical and zoological endemism is high on the peninsula,including among mammals, such as the little-studied Lepilemur mittermeieri, classifed as Endangered (IUCN, 2016).The density of marine mammals in the waters surrounding the peninsula is also very high and some very rare species, such as Balaenoptera omurai, have been recorded fromthe area. The forest cover on the Ampasindava Peninsula ishighly fragmented and the remaining forest patches are under varying levels of anthropic pressure and disturbance.The largest forest fragments of the peninsula are locatedon two mountains: Andranomatavy and Ambohimirahavavy,both covered with primary forest.
机译:马达加斯加是地球上最丰富的生物多样性热点之一。岛上多样的热带和亚热带气候,其地形和地质历史造就了独特的物种多样性和地方特有性。安帕辛达瓦半岛位于马达加斯加西北部的戴安娜地区,沿安巴尼亚奇市以南约40公里莫桑比克海峡,拥有高度原始的生态系统。半岛的气候参数与岛上东海岸的潮湿和半湿润地区的气候参数相比,与西海岸其他地区的气候参数更相似,在西海岸的其他地区,干旱条件更为普遍。因此,出现了孤立而独特的亚湿润,湿润的森林和红树林。因此,半岛上的植物和动物特有度很高,包括在哺乳动物中,例如研究不多的濒危的Lepilemur mittermeieri(IUCN,2016)。半岛周围水域中海洋哺乳动物的密度也很高。该地区已记录了一些非常稀有的物种,例如大袋Bal。 Ampasindava半岛上的森林覆盖高度破碎,剩余的森林斑块受到不同程度的人类压力和干扰。该半岛最大的森林片段位于两座山上:Andranomatavy和Ambohimirahavavy,均被原始森林覆盖。



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