首页> 外文期刊>Nutrition Research Reviews >Urea nitrogen salvage mechanisms and their relevance to ruminants, non-ruminants and man

Urea nitrogen salvage mechanisms and their relevance to ruminants, non-ruminants and man




AbstractMaintaining a correct balance of N is essential for life. In mammals, the major sources of N in the diet are amino acids and peptides derived from ingested proteins. The immediate endproduct of mammalian protein catabolism is ammonia, which is toxic to cells if allowed to accumulate. Therefore, amino acids are broken down in the liver as part of the ornithinea€“urea cycle, which results in the formation of urea a€“ a highly soluble, biochemically benign molecule. Mammals cannot break down urea, which is traditionally viewed as a simple waste product passed out in the urine. However, urea from the bloodstream can pass into the gastrointestinal tract, where bacteria expressing urease cleave urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. The bacteria utilise the ammonia as an N source, producing amino acids and peptides necessary for growth. Interestingly, these microbial products can be reabsorbed back into the host mammalian circulation and used for synthetic processes. This entire process is known as a€?urea nitrogen salvaginga€? (UNS). In this review we present evidence supporting a role for this process in mammals a€“ including ruminants, non-ruminants and man. We also explore the possible mechanisms involved in UNS, including the role of specialised urea transporters.
机译:摘要维持正确的N平衡对于生活至关重要。在哺乳动物中,饮食中N的主要来源是氨基酸和源自摄入蛋白质的肽。哺乳动物蛋白质分解代谢的直接最终产物是氨,如果积累,氨会对细胞有毒。因此,作为鸟尿素“尿素循环”的一部分,氨基酸在肝脏中被分解,这导致尿素的形成,尿素是一种高度可溶的,生化良好的分子。哺乳动物无法分解尿素,尿素在传统上被视为尿液中排出的一种简单废物。但是,来自血液的尿素可以进入胃肠道,表达尿素酶的细菌会将尿素分解为氨和二氧化碳。细菌利用氨作为氮源,产生生长所需的氨基酸和肽。有趣的是,这些微生物产品可以重新吸收回宿主哺乳动物的体内,并用于合成过程。这整个过程被称为“尿素氮回收”。 (UNS)。在这篇综述中,我们提供了证据证明这一过程在反刍动物,非反刍动物和人等哺乳动物中的作用。我们还探讨了参与UNS的可能机制,包括专门尿素转运蛋白的作用。



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