首页> 外文期刊>Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies >Esclavitud, Género y Racialización en Alicante: La Colonización de los Cuerpos Femeninos (ss. XVII-XVIII).

Esclavitud, Género y Racialización en Alicante: La Colonización de los Cuerpos Femeninos (ss. XVII-XVIII).




This article examines the slaver commercialization on black African women in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries in the city of Alicante, within the context of a comparative study between the past and the present about Nigerian women’s sex trafficking. From a theoretical and methodological framework based on feminist and antiracist geographies, using a decolonial lens, I present a gender and race analysis of the Alicantinian slavery process, in addition to its cultural and social impacts. Thus, I tackle the racialization, colonization and commodification of bodies as a violent mechanism of women’s dehumanization. At the same time, I review the androcentric bias of the historiographic discourse about the Peninsular slavery in the Hispanic Modern Age.



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