首页> 外文期刊>Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies >Employment, Motherhood and Wellbeing: A Discourse on the Trio within Public Organisations in Southwest Nigeria

Employment, Motherhood and Wellbeing: A Discourse on the Trio within Public Organisations in Southwest Nigeria




African women in public service experience some issues in their bid to juggle between their jobs and parenting; however, not much is available within the literature to explain these dynamics.This study seeks to document this by understand their experiences, the coping strategies adopted and the implications on the respondents’ wellbeing and that of their children.For quantitative data, a total number of one hundred and sixty questionnaires were purposively administered to mothers with infants working within the selected organizations and complemented with twenty in-depth interview schedules.Findings: a majority (40.0 percent) of the respondents were aged 31-40 years.About 73.0 percent claimed their challenges include how to combine paid employment with motherhood while 26 .9 percent attributed it to finance.Respondents mentioned that their children experience diarrhoea and malaria (22.2 percent), loss of appetite and weakness (23.1 percent) while they are away to work.On the part of the mothers, 62.3 percent claimed that their major challenges are stress and in ability to focus on their work.Respondents further argued that child spacing (7.5 percent) and support from husband (17.5 percent) are part of their coping mechanisms.Working mothers need a more conducive atmosphere for career development and parenting.
机译:在公共服务中的非洲妇女在努力兼顾工作和养育子女方面遇到了一些问题;但是,文献中没有太多关于这些动态的解释。本研究旨在通过了解他们的经历,所采用的应对策略以及对受访者及其子女的幸福的影响来记录下来。有针对性地向选定组织中有婴儿工作的母亲发放了160份问卷,并辅以20份深度访谈时间表。调查结果显示:大多数(40.0%)的受访者年龄在31至40岁之间,其中约73.0%的受访者对此表示满意。他们面临的挑战包括如何将有薪工作与孕产结合起来,而有26 .9%的人将其归因于财务。受访者提到,他们的孩子在外出工作时会经历腹泻和疟疾(22.2%),食欲不振和虚弱(23.1%)。母亲中有62.3%的人声称他们的主要挑战是压力和专注于工作的能力。受访者还认为,孩子的间隔(7.5%)和丈夫的支持(17.5%)是他们应对机制的一部分。在职母亲需要一种更有利于职业发展和养育子女的氛围。



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