首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science >Number of honey bee visits required to fully pollinate white clover (Trifolium repens) seed crops in Canterbury, New Zealand

Number of honey bee visits required to fully pollinate white clover (Trifolium repens) seed crops in Canterbury, New Zealand

机译:新西兰坎特伯雷充分授粉白三叶草(Trifolium repens)种子作物所需的蜜蜂探访次数



White clover (Trifolium repens L.) is grown throughout New Zealand in pasture and as a seed crop in the South Island. This investigation was conducted to determine the number of honey bee visits necessary to fully pollinate white clover flowers; the number of foraging honey bees per hectare required to reach the maximum seed number per floret; and to assess the level of white clover pollination in Canterbury. The theoretical maximum number of seeds that can be produced per white clover floret is six, based on the number of ovules present. Based on the number of seeds resulting from a single bee visit (mean = 1.24), it is calculated that in an 8 h foraging day, 19,420 bees would be required per hectare to reach maximum seed number per floret, assuming that no floret received more visits than required. Bee activity was assessed at two clover sites with an estimated 20,124 foraging bees per hectare. This number should have been enough to reach maximum seed number per floret. However, seed set in these fields was approximately half of its theoretical potential.
机译:白三叶草(Trifolium repens L.)在新西兰的牧场上和南岛的种子作物中生长。进行该调查以确定完全授粉白三叶草花所需的蜜蜂探访次数;为了达到每小花的最大种子数,每公顷需要觅食的蜜蜂的数量;并评估坎特伯雷的白三叶草授粉水平。基于存在的胚珠数量,每个白三叶草小花可以生产的理论上最大种子数量为6。根据单次蜜蜂访视产生的种子数量(平均值= 1.24),计算得出,在8小时的觅食日中,假设没有小花再多,则每公顷需要19,420只蜜蜂才能达到每小花的最大种子数。访问次数超出了要求。在两个三叶草站点评估了蜜蜂的活动,估计每公顷有20,124只觅食蜂。这个数量应该足以达到每个小花的最大种子数量。但是,在这些领域中结实的种子大约是其理论潜力的一半。



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