首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Differences in the post‐mortem kinetics of the calpain system in meat from bulls and steers

Differences in the post‐mortem kinetics of the calpain system in meat from bulls and steers




Abstract Strip loins (longissimus thoracis et lumborum) from bulls with normal ultimate pH (NOR, pHu < 5.7), bulls with unacceptably high pH (HI, pHu > 5.7), and steers were compared after storage at 15°C. HI samples had higher shear forces 120 hours post‐slaughter than NOR and steer samples (P < 0.05). Calpastatin and μ‐calpain activities were higher in the NOR bulls than in steers, but the rates of decline in these activities were more rapid in NOR samples. The activity of μ‐calpain was low at all times and appeared to be involved in the increased toughness of the HI samples. The activity of m‐calpain and the calpastatin : μ‐calpain activity ratio provided a good prediction of shear force 120 hours post‐slaughter in the strip loin (R2 = 0.70; P < 0.001). This suggests that calpastatin, μ‐calpain, and m‐calpain all play a role in tenderisation and that on‐farm and pre‐slaughter management rather than post‐slaughter treatment need to be used to decrease the incidence of high pH meat.
机译:摘要在15°C贮藏后,比较了极限pH正常(NOR,pHu <5.7),pH超出可接受水平(HI,pHu> 5.7)的公牛的ers腰肉(longissimus thoracis et lumborum)。 HI样品在屠宰后120小时的剪切力高于NOR和转向样品(P <0.05)。 NOR公牛中的钙蛋白酶抑素和μ-钙蛋白酶活性高于ers牛,但NOR样品中这些活性的下降速度更快。 μ-钙蛋白酶的活性始终低下,似乎与HI样品的韧性增加有关。 m-钙蛋白酶的活性和钙蛋白酶抑素:μ-钙蛋白酶的活性比可以很好地预测条状腰肉屠宰后120小时的剪切力(R2 = 0.70; P <0.001)。这表明钙蛋白酶抑素,μ钙蛋白酶和间钙蛋白酶都在嫩化过程中起作用,需要通过农场内和屠宰前管理而不是屠宰后处理来降低高pH值肉的发生率。



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