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Potassium management strategies to realize high yield and quality of sugarcane




Sugarcane is heavy feeder of K. The excess K in plant tissues interferes in sugar process due to scale formation in?pans. Its demand may exceed 800 kg/ha. Agronomic value of K rests with increased cane volume, girth and weight per cane,?drought and disease resistance and reduced lodging. In rations, K is essential to realize high yield and quality and response was?more than for NP. Sources of K had no effect. A single basal dressing is desirable and response of K ranges from 0.01 to 0.352?t/ ha and 0.06 to 0.117 t /ha per kg K in plant and ratoons, respectively at optimum level. An array of extractants from dilute?acids to alkalies have been tested but 1 N H2SO4 or 1M BaCl2 gives better prediction as it removes a portion of non-exch. K?but plant available K known as STEP K. Recently, analysis of 100 year data from Rothamsted, UK have reported a strong?relationship with exch. K & K balance.
机译:甘蔗是钾的重度饲养者。由于锅内结垢,植物组织中过量的钾会干扰制糖过程。它的需求可能超过800公斤/公顷。钾的农艺价值取决于甘蔗体积,周长和每根甘蔗重量的增加,抗旱和抗病性以及减少倒伏。在口粮中,钾对于实现高产量和高质量至关重要,其响应要比NP高。钾的来源没有影响。单一基肥是理想的,在最佳水平下,植物和再生棉的钾素响应分别为每公斤K 0.01-0.352?t / ha和0.06-0.117t / ha。已经测试了一系列从稀酸到碱的萃取剂,但是1 N H2SO4或1M BaCl2去除了一部分非萃取物后,提供了更好的预测。 K,但可用的植物K称为STEPK。最近,对英国Rothamsted的100年数据进行分析后,发现与Exch的关系很密切。 K&K余额。



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