首页> 外文期刊>New West Indian Guide >A Concise History of the Haitian Revolution. Jeremy D. Popkin. Hoboken NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. viii + 202 pp. (Cloth US$ 89.95)

A Concise History of the Haitian Revolution. Jeremy D. Popkin. Hoboken NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. viii + 202 pp. (Cloth US$ 89.95)

机译:《海地革命简史》。杰里米·波金(Jeremy D. Popkin)。 Hoboken NJ:Wiley-Blackwell,2012年。viii + 202页。(布料US $ 89.95)



In A Concise History of the Haitian Revolution, Jeremy Popkin has brought clarity to the kaleidoscope of groups, personalities, shifting alliances, and rapid changes that characterized this period. Benefiting from the recent outpouring of work on Saint-Domingue and the Haitian Revolution, he has woven together primary sources and the latest insights from Haitian, North American, and European historians in an account notable for its sensitivity to contingency and complexity, and its firm anchoring in a global context.
机译:在《海地革命的简明历史》中,杰里米·波普金(Jeremy Popkin)为这一时期的群体,个性,不断变化的联盟和快速变化的万花筒提供了清晰的信息。得益于圣多明各和海地革命最近的大量工作,他汇集了主要资料和海地,北美和欧洲历史学家的最新见解,以其对偶然性和复杂性的敏感性以及公司的坚定性着称。在全球范围内定位。



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