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Brian Meeks, Envisioning Caribbean Futures

机译:Brian Meeks,《展望加勒比海期货》



In this feature we highlight a recently launched book. We invite specialists in the field to comment on the book, and we invite the author to respond to their comments.In this issue we focus on Brian Meeks's, Envisioning Caribbean Futures. Those invited to comment on the book are Jay Mandle and Rivke Jaffe.[First paragraph]In Envisioning Caribbean Futures: Jamaican Perspectives (2007), Brian Meeks writes “in sympathy with the new social movements that have evolved in the past decade which assert boldly that ‘another world is possible’” (p. 2). His effort is “to explore the horizons for different approaches to social living in Jamaica and the Caribbean in the twenty-first century” (p. 2). In this, he “seeks to move beyond a statement of general principles to propose specific alternatives” in order to “stimulate a conversation that looks beyond the horizon of policy confines, yet is not so far removed as to appear hopelessly utopian” (p. 3). My hope with this essay is to advance that conversation, in the first place by reviewing and assessing Meeks’s contribution and then by extending the discussion to the role that Jamaica’s diaspora (and by extension that of the region’s generally) might play in moving the country, as Meeks puts it, from its current “state of crime and murder, and the broad undermining of the rule of law that pervades the society” (p. 71).
机译:在此功能中,我们重点介绍了最近发行的一本书。我们邀请该领域的专家对此书进行评论,并邀请作者对此发表评论。在本期中,我们重点关注Brian Meeks的《展望加勒比海的未来》。受邀对此书发表评论的人是Jay Mandle和Rivke Jaffe。[第一段]在《展望加勒比海的未来:牙买加的观点》(2007年)中,布莱恩·米克斯写道:“对过去十年间发展起来的新的社会运动表示同情,这些运动大胆地断言。 “另一个世界是可能的””(第2页)。他的努力是“探索二十一世纪牙买加和加勒比海不同生活方式的视野”(第2页)。在这种情况下,他``寻求超越一般性原则的陈述以提出具体的替代方案'',以``激发一种对话,超越政策范围的视线,但距离对话似乎还没有乌托邦式的希望''(p。 3)。我希望这篇文章的目的是,通过首先评估和评估米克斯的贡献,然后将讨论范围扩大到牙买加的侨民(以及整个地区的侨民)在推动该国发挥作用方面的作用,来促进这种对话,正如米克斯(Meeks)所说,从其当前的“犯罪和谋杀状况,以及遍及整个社会的法治的广泛破坏”开始(第71页)。



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