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Preserving entanglement during weak measurement demonstrated with a violation of the Bell–Leggett–Garg inequality




Scientists in the US have developed a method to evaluate the properties of complex quantum states without causing their destruction. A team at the University of California Santa Barbara led by John Martinis verified that the properties of entangled quantum states can be probed using weak measurements. By extracting only small parts of quantum information in a single measurement, weak measurements avoid the problem whereby quantum states are destroyed when the information contained in them is measured. Although this has been successfully demonstrated for single quantum states, it remained unclear if weak measurements were compatible with more complicated entangled systems. By implementing an experimental test that verifies with high accuracy the preservation of those entangled states in measurements, the researchers have made it possible to probe the properties of qubits in complex quantum computing schemes.
机译:美国科学家已经开发出一种方法,可以在不引起复杂量子态破坏的情况下对其进行评估。由约翰·马丁尼斯(John Martinis)领导的加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的一个小组证实,可以使用弱测量来探测纠缠的量子态的性质。通过在一次测量中仅提取一小部分量子信息,弱测量避免了当测量其中包含的信息时会破坏量子态的问题。尽管已经针对单量子态成功证明了这一点,但仍不清楚微弱的测量是否与更复杂的纠缠系统兼容。通过实施一项实验测试,该测试可以高精度地验证测量中那些纠缠态的保存,研究人员使得有可能在复杂的量子计算方案中探究量子位的性质。


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