首页> 外文期刊>Kartografija i Geoinformacije = Cartography Geoinformation >The Novak Collection as an Inspiration: Characteristics of Some Rare Maps of the Northern and Central Dalmatian Coastline and the Role of Local Cartographers

The Novak Collection as an Inspiration: Characteristics of Some Rare Maps of the Northern and Central Dalmatian Coastline and the Role of Local Cartographers




The article is a tribute to the ideas and efforts of Prof. Dr. Drago Novak, who founded and compiled the Novak Map Collection (Zbirka Novak). As a world traveller and professional radiologist, he was also a cartographer, collector and lover of old maps. The author also analyses some original, early, modern maps of the Dalmatian coastline and the role of local cartographers and copperplate engravers (Martin Rota and Natale Bonifacio) in the production of these maps and their significance for further cartographic development. Klju??ne rije??i Northern and Central Dalmatia; regional maps; panoramic birda€?s-eye views; Martin Rota; Natale Bonifacio; the Novak Collection Hr??ak ID: 77942 URIhttp://hrcak.srce.hr/77942
机译:这篇文章是对德拉戈·诺瓦克(Drago Novak)教授的想法和努力的致敬,德拉戈·诺瓦克(Drago Novak)教授创建并编辑了诺瓦克地图集(Zbirka Novak)。作为世界旅行家和专业放射科医生,他还是旧地图的制图师,收藏家和爱好者。作者还分析了达尔马提亚海岸线的一些原始,早期的现代地图,以及当地制图师和铜版雕刻师(Martin Rota和Natale Bonifacio)在这些地图的制作中的作用及其对进一步制图发展的意义。 Klju ?? ne rije ?? i达尔马提亚北部和中部;区域地图;鸟瞰鸟瞰图;马丁·罗塔;纳塔莱·博尼法西奥(Natale Bonifacio); Novak Collection Hr ?? ak ID:77942 URIhttp://hrcak.srce.hr/77942



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