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Population estimates of Yellow-eyed Penguin ( Megadyptes antipodes ) on Campbell and Auckland Islands 1987-90 | Notornis and Birds New Zealand

机译:1987-90年坎贝尔和奥克兰群岛上的黄眼企鹅(Megadyptes antipodes)的种群估计|诺托尼斯和鸟类新西兰



The seasonal change in Yellow-eyed Penguin numbers using a landing site (or part of the beach where penguins moved to or from the sea) at Middle Bay, Campbell Island, was monitored between November 1987 and September 1988. Numbers were low during the incubation phase of nesting (November) and rose to a peak during the chick-rearing period (December- March) when most breeding birds were travelling to sea each day. Numbers were low during the moult (April) as most birds were ashore. Peak numbers occurred in May but declined subsequently because of sea lion disturbance and pre-breeding behaviour. A census of 172 landing sites on Campbell Island during May-July 1988 found 1625 penguins, which may have represented a total of 2000 birds, or 490-600 breeding pairs. Decreases in penguin numbers at several landing sites between 1988 and 1990 suggest the population may have declined by about 45%. A census of 115 landing sites on part of the Auckland Islands in November-December 1989 found 934 penguins, which may have represented a population of 420-470 breeding pairs. Allowing for a possible sparse population on the east coast of Auckland Island, 520-570 pairs is a very conservative estimate for the islands. The total Yellow-eyed Penguin population in 1988-1989 was approximately 5930-6970 birds, with at least 56% in the subantarctic.
机译:在1987年11月至1988年9月期间,使用坎贝尔岛中部海湾的一个着陆点(或企鹅从海中移出或移出的海滩的一部分)对黄眼企鹅数量的季节性变化进行了监测。在孵化期间数量很少。巢期(11月),在雏鸟饲养期(12月至3月)上升到顶峰,当时大多数繁殖鸟类每天都出海旅行。由于大多数鸟类都在岸上,因此换羽期(4月)的数量很少。五月出现高峰,但随后由于海狮干扰和繁殖前行为而下降。 1988年5月至7月,对坎贝尔岛上的172个着陆点进行了一次人口普查,发现了1625只企鹅,它们可能代表了总共2000只鸟,或490-600个繁殖对。在1988年至1990年期间,几个着陆点的企鹅数量减少,表明该种群可能减少了约45%。 1989年11月至12月,在奥克兰群岛部分地区进行的115个登陆点的普查发现了934只企鹅,这可能代表了420-470个繁殖对的种群。考虑到奥克兰岛东海岸可能有稀疏的人口,520-570对是对这些岛的非常保守的估计。 1988-1989年,黄眼企鹅的总数为约5930-6970羽,其中至少56%位于亚南极。



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