首页> 外文期刊>North American Fungi >New North American Records of Anamorphic Powdery Mildew Fungi (Erysiphales) Parasitizing Species of Leucotho? and Limnanthes

New North American Records of Anamorphic Powdery Mildew Fungi (Erysiphales) Parasitizing Species of Leucotho? and Limnanthes




This paper documents the presence of two species of Erysiphales previously unreported in North America. The fungi were encountered on greenhouse-grown host plants in Oregon during the 2006 growing season.? Oidium ericinum? was found on potted plants of? Leucotho? axillaris? (Ericaceae) grown at a wholesale nursery where it resulted in a substantial financial loss to the grower. Oidium limnanthis? was found on potted plants of? Limnanthes? alba? (Limnanthaceae) where it was associated with premature senescence of plants and reduced seed production. This appears to be the first record of a powdery mildew fungus parasitizing a member of the Limnanthaceae in North America. Both species are described and illustrated.
机译:本文记录了北美以前从未报道过的两种食草动物的存在。在2006年生长季节,俄勒冈州温室种植的寄主植物上遇到了这种真菌。淫羊??在盆栽植物上被发现? Leucotho?腋窝? (Ericaceae)生长在批发苗圃中,对种植者造成了可观的经济损失。柠檬吗?在盆栽植物上被发现?林南特斯?阿尔巴? (Limnanthaceae)与植物过早衰老和降低种子产量有关。这似乎是白粉病真菌寄生于北美林科的一个记录。描述和说明了两种。



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