首页> 外文期刊>Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Discussions >Verification of intense precipitation forecasts from single models and ensemble prediction systems

Verification of intense precipitation forecasts from single models and ensemble prediction systems




The performance of single models and ensemble prediction systems has been investigated with respect to quantitative precipitation forecasts. Evaluation is based on the potential economic value of + 72 h/ + 96 h forecasts. The verification procedure consists of taking into account all precipitation amounts that are predicted in the vicinity of an observation in order to compute spatial, multi-event contingency tables. A probabilistic forecast from an ensemble can thus be compared to a probabilistic forecast from a single model run. The main results are the following: (1) The performance of the forecasts increases with the precipitation threshold. High levels of potential value reflect high hit rates that are obtained at the expense of a high frequency of false alarms. (2) The ECMWF ensemble performs better than a single forecast based on the same model, even when the resolution of the ensemble is lower. This is true for the NCEP ensemble as well, but only for morning precipitations. (3) The ECMWF ensemble performs better than the 5-member NCEP ensemble running at 12:00 UTC, even when the population of the former is reduced to 5 members. (4) The impact of reducing the population of the ECMWF ensemble is rather small. Differences between 51 members and 21 members are hardly significant. (5) A 2-member poorman ensemble consisting of the control forecasts of the ECMWF and the NCEP ensembles performs as well as the ECMWF ensemble for afternoon precipitations.
机译:关于定量降水预报,已经研究了单个模型和整体预报系统的性能。评估基于+ 72小时/ + 96小时预报的潜在经济价值。验证程序包括考虑观测值附近预测的所有降水量,以便计算空间多事件偶发表。因此,可以将来自集合的概率预测与来自单个模型运行的概率预测进行比较。主要结果如下:(1)预报的性能随着降水阈值的增加而增加。高水平的潜在价值反映出高的命中率,而高命中率是以高频率的错误警报为代价而获得的。 (2)即使集合的分辨率较低,ECMWF集合的效果也要比基于相同模型的单个预测要好。 NCEP合奏也是如此,但仅适用于早晨降水。 (3)ECMWF合唱团的表现要好于UTC 12:00的5人NCEP合奏,即使前者的人数减少到5人也是如此。 (4)减少ECMWF集成人口的影响很小。 51个成员与21个成员之间的差异几乎没有太大意义。 (5)由2个成员组成的穷人集合,包括ECMWF和NCEP集合的控制预测,以及ECMWF集合的下午降水。



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