首页> 外文期刊>New Media and Mass Communication >Assessment of the Application of Selected Public Relations Reputation Management Strategies as Weapons Against Corruption in Nigeria

Assessment of the Application of Selected Public Relations Reputation Management Strategies as Weapons Against Corruption in Nigeria




In this study, we undertook a critical appraisal of some selected public relations reputation management strategies like self-image auditing and corporate-auditing as weapons against corruption in Nigeria. This is motivated by the widely held international perception of Nigeria(ns) as very corrupt people and the negative image this is giving the citizens. The study objectives therefore included: ascertaining if a holistic self-image audit by Nigerians; corporate image audit by private/public organizations in Nigeria and a rebranding effort by all, could help in the eradication of corruption in the country. For the methodology, structured questionnaire and interviews were used in gathering data, which were analyzed in percentage frequencies. The results reveal that self-image audit, corporate and institutional image audit, matched by marketing communications rebranding campaign will help to stem the tide of corruption and redeem the soiled international image of the country.



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