首页> 外文期刊>NeuroImage: Clinical >Amyloid imaging in cognitively normal individuals, at-risk populations and preclinical Alzheimer's disease

Amyloid imaging in cognitively normal individuals, at-risk populations and preclinical Alzheimer's disease




Recent developments of PET amyloid ligands have made it possible to visualize the presence of Aβ deposition in the brain of living participants and to assess the consequences especially in individuals with no objective sign of cognitive deficits. The present review will focus on amyloid imaging in cognitively normal elderly, asymptomatic at-risk populations, and individuals with subjective cognitive decline. It will cover the prevalence of amyloid-positive cases amongst cognitively normal elderly, the influence of risk factors for AD, the relationships to cognition, atrophy and prognosis, longitudinal amyloid imaging and ethical aspects related to amyloid imaging in cognitively normal individuals. Almost ten years of research have led to a few consensual and relatively consistent findings: some cognitively normal elderly have Aβ deposition in their brain, the prevalence of amyloid-positive cases increases in at-risk populations, the prognosis for these individuals is worse than for those with no Aβ deposition, and significant increase in Aβ deposition over time is detectable in cognitively normal elderly. More inconsistent findings are still under debate; these include the relationship between Aβ deposition and cognition and brain volume, the sequence and cause-to-effect relations between the different AD biomarkers, and the individual outcome associated with an amyloid positive versus negative scan. Preclinical amyloid imaging also raises important ethical issues. While amyloid imaging is definitely useful to understand the role of Aβ in early stages, to define at-risk populations for research or for clinical trial, and to assess the effects of anti-amyloid treatments, we are not ready yet to translate research results into clinical practice and policy. More researches are needed to determine which information to disclose from an individual amyloid imaging scan, the way of disclosing such information and the impact on individuals and on society. Highlights ? Ten to thirty percent of cognitively normal elderly have Aβ deposition in their brain ? The prognosis for these individuals is worse than for those with no Aβ deposition ? Significant increase in Aβ deposition over time is detectable in normal elderly ? Aβ deposition is poorly related to cognitive performance and brain volume ? The individual outcome associated with an amyloid positive scan is unclear.
机译:PET淀粉样蛋白配体的最新发展使得可视化活着参与者大脑中Aβ沉积的存在并评估后果(尤其是对于没有客观缺陷的个体的个人)成为可能。本综述将重点关注认知正常的老年人,无症状高危人群以及主观认知下降的个体的淀粉样蛋白成像。它将涵盖认知正常的老年人中淀粉样蛋白阳性病例的患病率,AD危险因素的影响,认知正常个体中与认知,萎缩和预后的关系,纵向淀粉样蛋白成像以及与淀粉样蛋白成像相关的伦理方面。近十年的研究得出了一些共识性且相对一致的发现:一些认知正常的老年人大脑中存在Aβ沉积,高危人群中淀粉样蛋白阳性病例的患病率增加,这些人的预后差于在认知正常的老年人中,没有Aβ沉积物且Aβ沉积物随时间显着增加的患者是可以检测到的。更加不一致的发现仍在辩论中。这些因素包括Aβ沉积与认知与脑容量之间的关系,不同AD生物标记物之间的序列和因果关系,以及与淀粉样蛋白阳性和阴性扫描相关的个体结果。临床前淀粉样蛋白成像也引起了重要的伦理问题。虽然淀粉样蛋白成像对于理解Aβ在早期阶段的作用,定义研究或临床试验的高风险人群以及评估抗淀粉样蛋白治疗的效果绝对有用,但我们尚不准备将研究结果转化为临床实践和政策。需要进行更多的研究来确定从单个淀粉样蛋白成像扫描中公开哪些信息,公开此类信息的方式以及对个人和社会的影响。强调 ? 10%至30%的认知正常老年人的大脑中有Aβ沉积?这些人的预后比没有Aβ沉积的人的预后差?在正常老年人中,随着时间的流逝,Aβ沉积量显着增加了吗? Aβ沉积与认知能力和脑容量关系不佳?与淀粉样蛋白阳性扫描相关的个体结果尚不清楚。



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