首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Community Medicine >Drinking Parameters and Associated Factors among Alcoholics Attending De-Addiction Center at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Jaipur

Drinking Parameters and Associated Factors among Alcoholics Attending De-Addiction Center at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Jaipur




"Introduction: Alcohol addiction is influenced by factors like started drinking at early age, positive family history, impulsivity, hyperactivity. Objective of the study was to assess drinking parameters and associated factors among alcohol addicts attending De-addiction center. Methods: This observational study was conducted during 1st June 2015 to 31st May 2016. Total 400 cases with an AUDIT score of >8 were included. Information like duration of drinking, amount of drink, type of alcohol consumed, motivating factors for seeking de addiction centre, previous treatment history were collected. Results: Half of alcoholics started drinking at very young age (<26 years). Majority were Hindu and one fourth cases had primary education and one fourth was literate up to higher secondary. Half of cases were daily wages and majority were from SES class III & IV. Only 16% had positive family history. Majority (80%) consumed more than 3 to 6 quarter of alcohol daily. Majority (79%) consumed “Desi” alcohol. Conclusion: When alcohol is started late then the amount of alcohol consumed is less. Per capita income has a negative 18.2% change in amount of alcohol. Age of starting consumption of alcohol also made a significant contribution to predict type of alcohol consumed.
机译:“简介:饮酒成瘾受诸如早年开始饮酒,积极的家族史,冲动,多动等因素的影响。该研究的目的是评估参加戒毒所的饮酒成瘾者的饮酒参数及相关因素。方法:这项观察性研究该研究于2015年6月1日至2016年5月31日进行,共纳入400例AUDIT评分> 8的病例,包括饮酒时间,饮酒量,饮酒类型,寻求戒毒中心的动机因素,既往治疗史等信息。结果:一半的酗酒者在很小的年龄(<26岁)就开始饮酒,其中大多数是印度教徒,四分之一的人接受过初等教育,四分之一的人有文化程度,直到高中,一半的人是日薪,大部分来自SES III和IV级。只有16%的家族史为阳性。大多数(80%)每天饮酒超过3至6季度。大多数(79%)饮酒“ Desi酒。结论:酒精起步较晚时,所消耗的酒精量较少。人均收入的酒精度变化为负18.2%。开始饮酒的年龄也对预测饮酒类型做出了重要贡献。



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