
Clothing Accessory Design Based on Sensory Experience




With a view to exploring the emotional exchange and interaction between consumers’ sensory systems (hearing, vision, taste, smell, and touch) and clothing accessories in the context of the experience age, this study uses a combination of practical and theoretical means to study the physiological, psychological, and behavioral responses of consumers after sensory stimulation, summarizes the relationship between different emotions and body reactions, and obtains the relationship between sensory experience and material selection and functional design of clothing accessories, based on which, the factors, methods and steps that need to be considered in advance in clothing accessory design based on sensory experience are obtained and clothing accessories design positioned for relieving consumers’ nervous tension are exemplified, which proves the effectiveness and practicability of the method. The research results show that the application of the sensory experience to the design of clothing accessories can effectively explore the potential and invisible inner needs of consumers, thereby alleviating their emotions, which makes the design of clothing accessories more humanized.



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