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Eco-Friendly Pest Control in Cucumber (Cucumis sativa L.) Field with Botanical Pesticides

机译:用植物性农药对黄瓜(Cucumis sativa L.)田进行生态友好的害虫防治



A field experiment on eco-friendly pest control in cucumber (Cucumis sativa L.) field was conducted at Rajshahi University during April, 2011 to June, 2011 with eight botanical pesticides prepared from the leaves and seeds of Bangladeshi plants. These botanicals are mahogany seeds, (Swietenia mahagoni), chirata leaves (Swertia chirata), jute seeds (Corchorus olitorius L.), garlic (Allium sativum L.), marigold leaves (Tagetes erecta) and carrot leaves (Daucus carota). One control treatment without botanicals was maintained during this experiment where only water was sprayed. Out of these botanicals, a less number of insect attacks on cucumber leaves (1.33 ± 0.19) were found in combined treatment of mahogany and chirata whereas a high number of insect attacks were observed in combined treatment of garlic and jute seed (5.89 ± 0.40) and control (4.66 ± 0.33). Individual application of chirata extract also showed good protection of cucumber leaves (1.67 ± 0.19) from insect attack. A smaller number of leaves perforations were found in the combined treatment of mahogany and chirata (3.44 ± 0.29) compared to control (14.22 ± 1.05). Chirata extract also showed good performance (4.00 ± 0.19) against leaves perforation of insect. Besides the pest control, botanical pesticides also have enormous effect on plant growth. The tallest cucumber plant was observed in the combined treatment of mahogany and chirata (469.00 ± 63.51 cm) and shortest in garlic treatment (84.56 ± 15.24 cm). The cucumber production was also high in combined treatment of mahogany and chirata (1863.33 ± 196.32 g) compared to control (1260.00 ± 501.63 g). From this study, it is found that combined application of mahogany and chirata extract not only showed good protection of cucumber plant from insect attack but also increased the cucumber production. Therefore, we conclude that farmers should use botanical pesticides from mahogany seeds and chirata leaves instead of toxic chemical insecticides for controlling pest in cucumber field. ?
机译:2011年4月至2011年6月,在拉吉沙希大学进行了黄瓜(Cucumis sativa L.)田间生态友好害虫防治的野外试验,使用孟加拉国植物的叶子和种子制备了八种植物农药。这些植物是桃花心木种子(Swietenia mahagoni),chirata叶子(Swertia chirata),黄麻种子(Corchorus olitorius L.),大蒜(Allium sativum L.),万寿菊叶子(Tagetes erecta)和胡萝卜叶子(Daucus carota)。在该实验期间,维持了一种不使用植物药的对照治疗方法,仅喷水。在这些植物药中,桃花心木和茅卷菜的联合处理中,对黄瓜叶片的昆虫侵害较少(1.33±0.19),而大蒜和黄麻种子的综合处理中则观察到大量昆虫侵害(5.89±0.40)和控制(4.66±0.33)。单独施用手绢提取物还显示出良好的保护黄瓜叶片(1.67±0.19)免受昆虫侵害的能力。与对照(14.22±1.05)相比,在桃花心木和茅卷菜的组合处理中发现较少的叶片穿孔(3.44±0.29)。 Chirata提取物对昆虫的叶子穿孔也表现出良好的性能(4.00±0.19)。除害虫控制外,植物性农药还对植物生长产生巨大影响。在桃花心木和茅卷菜的组合处理中观察到最高的黄瓜植株(469.00±63.51 cm),而在大蒜处理中观察到最矮的黄瓜植株(84.56±15.24 cm)。与对照(1260.00±501.63 g)相比,桃花心木和茅卷菜的组合处理黄瓜产量也很高(1863.33±196.32 g)。从该研究中发现,红木和千层提取物的组合施用不仅显示出对黄瓜植物免受昆虫侵袭的良好保护,而且还提高了黄瓜产量。因此,我们得出结论,农民应使用桃花心木种子和桔梗叶中的植物性农药代替有毒化学杀虫剂来防治黄瓜田中的害虫。 ?



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