首页> 外文期刊>Neotropical Ichthyology >Wolf in a sheep's clothes: juvenile coney (Cephalopholis fulva) as an aggressive mimic of the brown chromis (Chromis multilineata)

Wolf in a sheep's clothes: juvenile coney (Cephalopholis fulva) as an aggressive mimic of the brown chromis (Chromis multilineata)

机译:披着羊皮的狼:幼年锥(Cephalopholis fulva),是一种很好的模仿褐皮鱼(Chromis multilineata)的动物



We found yellowish juvenile coneys (Cephalopholis fulva) at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, off Northeast Brazil, joining schools of similarly sized and coloured brown chromis (Chromis multilineata) when these latter closely approach the rocky reefs. Mingled within the mid-water hovering group of the plankton-feeding chromis, the piscivorous coney is able to approach unaware prey - an instance of aggressive mimicry. Three out of four coney individuals hunting under such disguise were successful in their attempts to prey on the otherwise wary rock-dwelling blenny (Malacoctenus species). This is the first instance of an epinepheline grouper mimicking a schooling and plankton-eating damselfish model in the West Atlantic.
机译:我们在巴西东北部的费尔南多·德·诺罗尼亚群岛上发现了黄色的幼体小鹦鹉(Cephalopholis fulva),当它们紧贴岩石礁时,加入了大小和颜色相同的褐色紫罗兰(Chromis multilineata)的学派。在浮游生物摄食的浮游生物中,在水面徘徊的群中混杂了食鱼的圆锥体,能够接近不知觉的猎物-侵略性模仿的实例。在这种伪装下狩猎的四个圆锥体个体中,有三分之二成功捕食了原本警惕的居住在岩石中的粘鱼(马六甲种)。这是首次在西大西洋上模仿肾上腺素石斑鱼的学校教育和吃浮游生物的雀鲷模型。



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