首页> 外文期刊>Nauka Przyroda Technologie >Wp?yw terminu siewu i przykrycia gleby agrow?óknin? na wzrost i d?ugo?? okresu wegetacji kukurydzy cukrowej uprawianej w warunkach wschodniej Polski

Wp?yw terminu siewu i przykrycia gleby agrow?óknin? na wzrost i d?ugo?? okresu wegetacji kukurydzy cukrowej uprawianej w warunkach wschodniej Polski




An experiment was conducted from 2006 to 2008 to examine the effect of three sowing dates and covering of soil with agrotextile on the length of sweet corn growing season and corn growth. When sweet corn sowing date was delayed from late April to late May, the growing season was shortened, the extent of this shortening being conditioned by the weather conditions in the study years. The growing season was much shorter in warmer years and a little shorter in a cold year. Covering with agrotextile at the first (26th April) and second (10th May) sowing date accelerated cob harvest by eight days. When seeds were sown at the third date (24th May), cobs were harvested five days earlier. Sweet corn plants grew better in colder versus warmer years. The greatest number of cobs per plant was formed when the weather was warmer and precipitation was evenly distributed. In warmer years, delayed sowing contributed to a lower number of cobs whereas in the colder year the opposite response was observed. Compared with a hot and dry year, significantly higher marketable tuber yields were harvested in a warm year characterized by evenly distributed precipitation and in a colder and wet year. The marketable cob yields of sweet corn sown on the 10th May were significantly higher compared with the 26th of April. Covering with agrotextile contributed to a significantly higher number of cobs per plant, and increased marketable cob yields, too.



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