首页> 外文期刊>Nauka Przyroda Technologie >Wp?yw g?sto?ci siewu na plonowanie odmian kukurydzy o ró?nej klasie wczesno?ci

Wp?yw g?sto?ci siewu na plonowanie odmian kukurydzy o ró?nej klasie wczesno?ci




The aim of the investigation was to determine the response of sowing density on yielding of maize hybrids with different maturity class. The field experiment was conducted in 2009-2012 in the Department of Agronomy at the Poznań University of Life Sciences, in the fields of Experimental and Educational Center Gorzyń, Station in Swadzim. The analysed factor was variety: PR39D60 (FAO 210), PR39T45 (FAO 240), PR38N86 (FAO 280), PR38A24 (FAO 330). The second order factor was sowing density: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 plants per 1 m2. The investigated hybrids were yielding at the same level: ranging from 103.1 to 105.3 dt·ha-1, except early hybrid PR39D60, which grain yield was significantly the lowest and amounted 89.6 dt·ha-1. Average for the four years of investigation, regardless of the variety, the highest yields were obtained at a density of 7 plants per 1 m2.
机译:该研究的目的是确定播种密度对不同成熟度玉米杂交种产量的响应。现场实验于2009-2012年在波兹南生命科学大学农学系的Swadzim站Gorzyń实验和教育中心进行。分析的因子是多种多样的:PR39D60(FAO 210),PR39T45(FAO 240),PR38N86(FAO 280),PR38A24(FAO 330)。第二个因素是播种密度:每1平方米6、7、8、9、10株植物。所研究的杂种的单产水平相同:从103.1到105.3 dt·ha-1,除了早期杂种PR39D60,其谷物单产最低,为89.6 dt·ha-1。四年调查的平均值,无论品种如何,以每1平方米2棵植物的密度获得最高产量。



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